China approves traditional medicine products to treat covid-19

(CNN) – China has approved the sale of three traditional Chinese medicine (MTC) products to help treat covid-19, announcing the markets to the National Administration of Medical Products of the Government.

The agency uses a special approval procedure for the sale of the three products, which “brindan more options for the treatment of covid-19”, said in a communication.

The grass base products come in granular form and have their origin in “ancient Chinese recipes”, says the communicator. It is said to be part of the remedies of traditional Chinese medicine that are used in the principle of pandemic and that it is “evaluated by many academics and first-line experts”.

The three products are “granules to dehydrate and disintegrate the pulmonaries”, “granules to disintegrate and eliminate the humidity” and “granules to disintegrate and diffuse the pulmonaries”, were published.

The safety and efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine today is being debated in China, yet many as skeptics are skeptical. Although many of the remedies of traditional Chinese medicine have been used for years, critics argue that there is no verifiable scientific evidence to back up their benefits.

In recent years, ancient remedies have been repeatedly hailed as a national organ by Chinese President Xi Jinping, as a well-known defender of traditional Chinese medicine.

“Traditional medicine is a treasure trove of Chinese civilization that encompasses the sabiduria of the nation and its people”, Xi said at a national conference on traditional Chinese medicine, in October 2019. At the height of the pandemic, Xi repeatedly spoke out the physicians treat the patients with a mixture of Chinese methods and occult medicines.

Dozens of miles of patients with covid-19 receive remedies based on herbal supplements with conventional antiviral drugs, this year, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

“To adjust the health of the body and increase immunity, traditional Chinese medicine can help to estimate the capacity of patients to resist and recover from the disease, which is an effective form of therapy,” said Yu Yanhong. Administración Nacional de Medicina Tradicional China, in March 2020.

Does traditional Chinese medicine work against covid-19?

In a clinical trial of 102 patients with covid-19 syndromes, in Wuhan, patients with combined treatments were compared with the patient control group that received only occidental medicine, Dijo Yu. Your recovery rate is 33% higher, aggregate.

In March fines of the past year, China has been able to control its brothels in the Middle Ages, and although it has supra-industrial brothels in various places, the numbers have been maintained and the diary has been renewed. If the restrictions are lifted, it will allow the people to travel through the country and reunite without mascara.

Authorities have praised traditional Chinese medicine for helping to contain the covetous and limiting symptoms; by the end of this year, up to 60,000 MTC doses will be sent to the first line police agents for covid-19 protégés, according to the MTC administration. Various provinces, including Jilin and Hebei, are implementing “Chinese traditional medicine prevention plans” in January, in order to prescribe traditional Chinese medicine to covid patients.

Now, the authorities are looking to expand the industry, which is estimated at more than 3 trillion yuan (US $ 430,000 million) by 2020.

The country will aim to capacity 100,000 professionals in the next 10 years and implement media such as the study plans of the Traditional Chinese School of Medicine, announced by the General Board of the State Council this February. More traditional medical rehabilitation centers are being built and some clinical research centers are being built.

The state media also promoted traditional Chinese medicine in its coverage. The Xinhua State News Agency informs that the MTC has obtained a “hope” source for the Chinese origin estates in New York when the public health system of the city is set up to collapse, and that Kuwait has adopted remedies for the treatment .

The World Health Organization, which promotes its first response to traditional Chinese medicine in 2018, originally recommended the use of traditional herbal remedies for covid-19 in its web site, although this line was eliminated later than it was “released” amplia ».

Some in the biomedical community say that the WHO passes over the toxicity of some herbal medicines and the lack of evidence that they function, while the defenders of the rights of the thick animals that weigh more than animals like the tiger, the pangolin, the oso and the rhinoceros, organic organs are used in some MTC cures.

– Carol Yuan, de CNN, contributes important information.
