“Cavalleros Cantan”, the group in which Ricardo “N” participates, is the artist’s accusation of sexual abuse on his part

Caballeros Cantan took shape in 2019 and has various presentations in various states of the Republic (Photo: Instagram @ caballeroscantan)
Caballeros Cantan took shape in 2019 and has various presentations in various states of the Republic (Photo: Instagram @ caballeroscantan)

The 15th of February saw God announce the detention of Ricardo “N”, accused of his alleged participation in the crime of sexual abuse against his wife of 14 years. In social speeches, periodical Carlos Jiménez shared the photographs that show the exact moment in which the actor of the series como Control Z y El Dragón fue detenido.

The photos can also be seen in the tantrums and ex-integral of Garibaldi’s last paragraph, aboard a vehicle, presumably a patrol, while being guarded by an agent of the General Court of Justice of the City of Mexico.

See you Wednesday, February 17th when Ricardo was convicted of aggravated felony criminal mischief, since the detailed investigation that has been going on since before, the abusive artist abused his wife, who was sometimes psychologically tested to determine the implications of the case.

Ricardo Crespo Green was transferred to the Public Prosecutor's Office by the court hearing (Photo: Twitter @ ricardocrespotv)
Ricardo Crespo Green was transferred to the Public Prosecutor’s Office by the court hearing (Photo: Twitter @ ricardocrespotv)

Last weeks, Ricardo found himself working on the project Caballeros Cantan, a musical group integrated by other famous people like Manuel Landeta, Chao, Agustín Arana y al ex dirigent de Hay, Lisardo. Dicha agrupación ahora rompió el silencio con un comunicado donde los integrants comparten su posture respo de delicada situation de Ricardo, quien fue remitido al Reclusorio Sur de la Ciudad de México y deberá permanecer ahí duran minos 3 meses.

“In the media of communication and public in general. We will make sure of our knowledge in the project Caballeros Cantan always side by side and we will respect the rights and integrity of the woman”, Cominza el comunicado dado a conocer entre los mediums de comunicación y en su profile de Instagram.

“Referring to the fact that our company Ricardo Crespo has been involved, the authorities will be seen, in which we are confident, based on a debit investigation process, to determine his situation. It will be a total success to our artistic project, we will not do more than express our respect, commitment and admiration for all and every one of the women ”, finalizes the communication.

Caballeros Cantan is not an agrupación musical of covers (Photo: Instagram @ caballeroscantan)
Caballeros Cantan is not an agrupación musical of covers (Photo: Instagram @ caballeroscantan)

According to periodical Carlos Jiménez, the 45-year-old actor has been caught for almost a week, despite the fact that the Fiscalia is offering an order of apprehension against him, if you have been this Monday 15 you will know the identity of the process and its relationship with the world of maintenance.

Jiménez refuses that the denunciator, the actor and mother of the minor, expresses that the abuse is not solely in an opportunity, meaning that he will perform distinct violations to the minor in different occasions and places, by which it was considered to have sufficient elements and procedure to be transferred to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Mexico.

With an official statement issued by the Fiscalía, it is stated that the artist will continue in prison while continuing with the process in which the trials presented by the hearing are being evaluated: “There is a continuation of the audience, as we will say , the judge ratified that now the taxpayer must continue his preventive office and fijo three months before the court of the complementary investigation.

During the pandemic Caballeros Cantan has a couple of live broadcasts online (Photo: Instagram @ caballeroscantan)
During the pandemic Caballeros Cantan has a couple of live broadcasts online (Photo: Instagram @ caballeroscantan)

Agreed with the Integrated Indictment in the Taxation of Sexual Offenses, “It is possible to indict him for varying years to have a minor to commit sexual acts and to present pornographic content”.

The Fiscalía assures that the actor is guilty of the presumption of innocence, because his trial will be carried out in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure:

“The person referred to in this communication shall be presumed innocent and shall be treated as such at all stages of the proceedings, while not declaring his median responsibility for sentence issued by the Jurisdictional Body, in the final terms of the Procedural Procedure. the document.


Actor Ricardo Crespo was transferred to the Public Prosecution Service on charges of sexual abuse of his wife

Así detuvieron to Ricardo Crespo, the actor accused of sexually abusing his wife

“Lo veo desesperado”: Eleazar’s lawyer “N” withdrew from the case of the actor accused of intra-family violence
