Carmen Nydia Velázquez sufre caida | Scenario

Actress Carmen Nydia Velázquez sufrió has a case that provokes a fracture and must continue in absolute descent, according to information in the comic book, the actor Víctor Alicea.

The comedian included the April 12 episode of the Alexandra show on June 12 in Alicia, coinciding with the media release scheduled for Alexandra Fuentes by Telemundo.

According to the interpreter of Epiphany, Velázquez “is like a post. Se dio en el hombro (izquierdo) ”, pero aun a pesar del dolor, se presento a trabajar ayer. Including, detail that hubo that assist for colocarle the wrap of Enriqueta’s character.

“Carmen is a woman of strength”, recounts actor.

During his participation in the production he was transferred to a metropolitan area hospital, where a fracture was diagnosed.

“I came with the lozenges. Mandaron with absolute descent ”, informs Víctor.

The public will be able to send the best deeds through their immediate recovery.
