Capturan and El Dorado is a true personality who is quarían sacar cocaína with destino in Europe

News items from Judicial

The Anti-Correctional Direction of the Police also determined that one of the captured would be taking drugs to Central America. In three cases the drug was dumped on the equipment and, in total, was valued at one million dollars.

The Antinarcotic Directorate of the National Police detects and captures three people who, camouflaged in their cocaine equipment, intend to trace stupefied patients to various international destinations. The captives, including the authorities, will provide additional facilities that will be more advanced with the end of being unacceptable to the anti-drug checks that the Police carry out in the air terminals.

The future will be interesting: The first moves against international drug trafficking in Colombia during 2021

The first caption is presented as a patrolling profile with a population of 56 years of age, of Dominican nationality claiming to travel Paris from El Dorado airport. Once the equipment has been inspected, 12 rectangular packets will be found with a powdery, white color that can be tested. drug test, arrojó una coloration azul celeste, es decir, resultado prelimar para cocaína, con een unes peso net de casi 12.000 gram.

Lea también: Asia will move drug trafficking in Colombia during 2020.

The second capture takes place during the inspection of passengers at the international destination in the middle of the El Dorado airport, which is one of the uniforms inspected by the bodega equipment belonging to a citizen of Ecuadorian nationality. The male pretender to travel to Madrid (Spain) carrying three vitamin supplement phrases, a long spoon, a condenser tar for cable, a condensed lip balm and a shampoo ball, elements on the shoulders of the Police found a double bottom with cocaine.

Lea también: Capturan en El Dorado a guatemalteco pedido en extradición por Estados Unidos

The third caption corresponds to a Colombian woman of 39 years of age, who claims to have lived in the town of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) when he was discovered by an anti-narcotic agent and his canine. In the equipment that lifts in bodega contain an agenda with a double bottom and in its interior of the packages with a powdery pink and yellow powder that makes real campo, arrojó result preliminary for 2CB (Two-cb).
