Can’t wait! Lolita Ayala reveals what’s wrong

La querida periodical Lolita Ayala revealed that if she does not pass well and if she does not pass peor, she will be able to suffer multiple fractures in one of her piercings. The famosa, which fuera reconocida for the years that fue TV Notice Leader, signaled that currently can not be found.

Dolores Ayala Nieto, as is its real number compartment for the Hoy program that has an incident at home, just as it ends with its roads and terminals at the hospital with “the red roads”. A decir de la querida news presenter, fue un pierne la más dañada, misma que presento divers fracturas.

La mexicana presenter indicates that it lasts a week in the hospital and that currently has to use an artery and the doctors the signal that should be the most likely.

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Study a week in the hospital, with the red pears, good, the red pane in various ways. It is reponiéndome, ahorita tengo que utilizar andadera y caminar lo más que pueda, commented la querida periodista.

To avoid the consequences of his incident, Lolita Ayala a very positive semesters and compartment that the doctors signal that their females are recovering in three weeks and can “breathe heart” without any problems.

The famous presenter also shares the happiness that is due to the acceptance that he has his products, even if he has a high tendency in social speeches. Lolita Ayala shares that this is a new way to help and search foundations for its foundation Solo to help.

Ayala sacks for sale to the public some players, cubrebocas and demas with his image and iconic freaks that quedaron in the record of many during his stay in front of television star; in which some improvised the most popular terminaban.

When selling Lolita Ayala’s products to the public, she announces them through her social speeches indicating the opening of her line online and that she will receive the destination destined for the persons most in need.

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La television star Indicates that these products give rise to the idea of ​​their hijacking, that a new form of help is needed to help people recover from the current pandemic of Covid-19. Inside the products is one of the most iconic phrases of Lolita Ayala, the “Ya se fue”.

“Ya se fue” was an expression of the famous presenter when a notice presented a flame in his guarantor that the impediment would continue with his work. Lolita lucho con la mucosidad en su garganta hasta que finally deshizo de ella y lo celebro indicande “Ya se fue”, para despuite continuat como toda unprofessional con su noticiero.
