Cancel condolences against Lula da Silva by Lava Jato

(CNN Español) – This Monday, the Supreme Court of Brazil of Brazil annulled all the conditions imposed by the President Lula da Silva in opposition to the second case of Lava Jato, decisions taken by the 13th Federal Court of Curitiba, and ordered the cases to be brought before the Court Federal de Brasilia, informs this body in a communication.

In a firm decision by the Minister Luiz Eson Fachin, the Supreme Court determines that the actions taken in the Conditions of Da Silva have not been granted to Curitiba, the capital of the state of Paraná, because the lawsuits are directly related of Petrobras deviations.

CNN intends to communicate with the Executioner’s legal team to obtain its response.

The cancellation of the terms is based on procedural defects and will adjudicate the fund’s fund. The media rehabilitates the political rights of Lula da Silva, which in this way can present the presidential elections in 2022. Referring to this possibility, the leader of the Labor Party declared: “No need to be the new president of the Republic, but if it goes on to erode Bolsonarism, it will be disposed of ».

The legal team of Da Silva indicates, through a communication, that he received with “serenity” the decision of the Supreme Court of Brazil that annulled all the conditions that the president had in his contra for the second case of Lava Jato. For the lawyers of Lula, the annulment of the condolences shows the “incompetence” of the court of Curitiba and is the “reconciliation of which we always hold in this long legal battle”.

In April 2018, Lula was sentenced to 12 years for money laundering and money laundering, foreclosure and property, and connection with the ownership of an apartment in the coastal town of Guarujá, Sao Paulo, which was received by the OAS engineering group exchange of benefits bevoordeel for the obtaining of millionaire contracts in the petrol state Petrobras.

In November of this year, the former was sentenced to 17 years and a month of passions for passive corruption and blank capital of irregular benefits in a finica of the municipality of Atibaia, in the state of Sao Paulo. She always has the accusations.
