Call Of Duty Warzone Voice Glitch is back and harder than ever to pull off

The infamous Call of Duty Warzone stuck out a fourth time, allowing players to cheat the system and survive in the deadly storm to get to the top. But this one is slightly different from previous iterations.

To name what players experienced this time around is not entirely correct, but the effects are basically the same: players who exploit it can heal infinitely as they hide in the storm, leaving them the only survivors of a match.

If you want to take the mistake away from you, we will not tell you how to do it, but know that you need a lot of money in the game to do it. Instead of an actual mistake, this method relies on the use of loopholes in legal game mechanics by finding ways to complete contracts quickly and earn a lot of cash in the game to spend on Munitions Boxes. It’s not a clearly defined coding error, so it’s not like the previous versions of the voice glitch we’ve seen before, which relied on portions of the game code that could be used.

This is not the first time the game has encountered a problem like this. In 2020, players bought masses to do basically the same thing. Just like the problem with the gas mask, it will probably have to be solved by the way Munitions Boxes and / or the use of player items work within the gas cloud. Possible solutions may include not letting the Munitions Boxes splash in the storm, or limiting the number of voice doses players can give themselves in the gas.

Regardless of how this exploitation is resolved, stimuli can remain controversial due to their history of errors. Some players do not want them to stay in the game at all because they can deal with the integrity of the competitive experience so easily. Raven will have to find some sort of solution as it is being handled, but it is currently unclear how long a permanent solution will take.

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