Call of Duty: Warzone has another skin that makes players invisible

Call of Duty: Warzone has another skin that makes players invisible, and once again it’s one you have to buy. Watch the video above and read on for more details.

YouTuber Scop3s_ posted today, January 29, an extensive video in which the Call of Duty: Warzone invisibility in the latest form. The ‘Forest Spirit’ GRINCH skin contains a ghillie suit and sleeve, a swimsuit, and apparently the gift of invisibility. According to Scop3s, the GRINCH skin offers the player invisibility at 34 meters if an enemy is not ADS, and 55 meters if enemies look down on the face. At 4X range, only the player’s head and rifle can be seen at 125 meters. This is definitely a problem and hopefully one that Activision or Raven Software will be dealing with soon.
