Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Patch Notes – League Play changes and more

Treyarch has released the latest update for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and it affects various game modes including standard competitive multiplayer, Zombies and League Play. If you participated in League Play this weekend, you may need to think of a new strategy to replace your trusted RC-XD points standings.

The RC-XD is limited in League Play, which means you want to think with a new low-level alternative before being caught off guard by this change. In addition, friendly fire was slightly altered, which after the second team murder led to ricochet damage and returned the damage to the attacker. If you get two more team murders, you will be kicked out of the game. Of course you are a good, clean player. You did not kill your own teammates anyway … right?

Other changes include fixing an issue on the Express Card that allows you to capture a Hardpoint zone without actually being in it, and to fix some UI issues. In Zombies, you should also not be carried off the map if others use it in the town area, nor will you be able to stand on the craft table. Check out the full notes of Treyarch below and make sure you do not miss the Double Weapon XP weekend currently on offer.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Patch Notes (February 13)


  • Fixed an issue with the League Play button appearing in Combat Record in Barracks.
  • Addressed an issue where all non-master call cards displayed negative values ​​in the menu for challenges.


  • Problem touched on Express where it was possible to capture Hardpoint outside the zone.

League Play

  • Friendly fire will now convert to ricochet damage to the attacker after second team murder and players will be kicked after two additional team murders.
  • Added “Results processing” screen.
  • Improved footage on “Ladder ladder result” processing.
  • Fixed issue that could have incorrectly displayed details of previous League Play event.
  • Address the issue where players could not scroll up and down League Ladder.


  • Addressed issue that could cause players to be sent off the map when using other teleporter in Village area.
  • Closed exploitation so that the player can stand on the table.
  • Problem solved where the upgrade icon was gray when the player had enough to upgrade at Arsenal.
  • Seasons icon for ‘Firebase Z’ challenges added to the challenges menu.
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