Bryce Dallas Howard and Seth Gabel join Maquette Voice Cast

Annapurna Interactive has the voting box for Model today, as Bryce Dallas Howard and Seth Gabel lend their talents to the game. The news broke out with a new trailer from developer Graceful Decay, which you can check out below, with some of their lines and more content from the unique story puzzle game that lets you question the reality around you. The game will be released on March 2 for PC on Steam as well as for PS4 / PS5. We have some quotes from the studio and Howard about the game for you here, as well as the announcement today, as we look forward to seeing the game for ourselves.

Maquette will be released on March 2, 2021.  Thanks to Annapurna Interactive.
Model will be released on March 2, 2021. Thanks to Annapurna Interactive.

“While the fantastic mysteries and recursive reality of Model delivers the ‘a-ha’ moments, Bryce and Seth convey the emotional heartbeat of the story, ‘said creative director and Graceful Decay founder Hanford Lemoore. ‘The message behind Model is truly a concept – understanding in the physical world, in the mind and in the heart. Bryce and Seth’s incredible performances will bring the message to life. ‘

“I want to get more involved in video games for years, because games do something in storytelling that movies and literature do not: it encourages people to play an active role in the story,” he said. Bryce Dallas Howard. ‘So when I got the chance to work with Annapurna Model, I was very excited to dive into this haunting emotional experience. What I like about this game is that even though our voices guide you through the narrative, you are still the one who has to figure out how to solve the mysteries to complete the story. And because the game is recursive, there are endless possibilities as to how the pieces come together. Model is interactive storytelling at its best. The characters and situations were simple at first, but the game develops as the romantic relationship between the two main characters becomes more complex. The world of Model is a playable, interactive metaphor; a physical manifestation of the emotional underpinnings between two lovers, played through a series of riddles, representing the many challenges and triumphs that a relationship can go through. It’s a cathartic experience! ‘

About Gavin Sheehan

Gavin is the current Games Editor for Bleeding Cool. He was a lifelong geek who could talk to you about comics, television, video games and even pro wrestling. He can also teach you how to play Star Trek chess, be your mercy on Overwatch, recommend random, cool music, and be sly in D&D. He also enjoys hundreds of other geeky things that cannot be dealt with in one paragraph. Follow @TheGavinSheehan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Vero for random photos and thoughts.

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