Bruce Springsteen Arrested for DWI in New Jersey

Bruce Springsteen was arrested for DWI and reckless driving in his home country, it was revealed on Wednesday – days after he appeared in a very Super Super Bowl ad for Jeep.

The ‘Born to Run’ icon, 71, was broken into the Gateway National Recreation Area in Sandy Hook, New Jersey, on November 14, a National Park Service spokesman said.

Springsteen was charged with DWI, reckless driving and alcohol use in an enclosed area, the spokesman said.

“Springsteen was continuously cooperating,” the spokesman added.

According to TMZ, which reported the arrest for the first time, Bruce allegedly has a court date in the coming weeks and has no known busts for DWI.

Bruce Springsteen was arrested on November 14, 2020 for DWI in Gateway National Recreation Area in Sandy Hook, NJ.
Bruce Springsteen was arrested on November 14, 2020 for DWI in Gateway National Recreation Area in Sandy Hook, NJ.
Kevin Kane / Getty Images for The Rainforest

Springsteen’s representative did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The news about the bust broke out a few days after Springsteen appeared and told a Super Bowl venue for Jeep, in which he urged Americans to move to the political “middle” in the spirit of unity amid the recent bitter divisions .
