Blood clots after examination of the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine

A European drug regulator is reviewing blood clots among four people in the United States who received the COVID-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, according to a report.

The European Medicines Agency said three serious cases of coagulation and low blood platelets occurred in the US during the deployment of J & J’s vaccine from the Janssen unit and that one person died from a coagulation disorder reported during a clinical trial is. The EMA’s report is the first to cite an investigation into blood clots associated with the J&J vaccine.

Johnson & Johnson said they are aware of the rare reports of blood clots and are working with regulators.

“At present, no clear causal link has been established between these rare events and the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine,” the company said in a statement to Reuters.

The Food and Drug Administration said it was aware of the problem with blood clotting and also did not find a causal link with vaccination. ‘

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 5 million people in the United States have received J & J’s vaccine since Thursday morning.

The issue of blood clots in the brain reported by some in Europe who received the AstraZeneca vaccine is also being investigated.
