BioWare details the game changes coming with ‘Mass Effect: Legendary Edition’

When BioWare announced Mass Effect: Legendary Edition earlier this year, the game promised refinements for all three of the games in the original trilogy. In a blog post published Tuesday, the studio has now outlined most of the improvements. And as you would guess, the original Mass effect, now almost 15 years old, received the most attention.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition screenshot

BioWare / EA

Among the changes the studio undertook in the first game, it says that the accuracy between all the different weapons has become more consistent. BioWare has also tweaked the camera to direct the sight downwards, and the game now includes a dedicated button. The studio says the changes make the fight feel ‘snapper’ Mass effect. To work with the refinement, BioWare has added more coverage for you and your group to crawl behind in some battle encounters, choosing select boss battles and enemies to be more honest for players, but still challenging.

Of course, combat is only part of the Mass effect experience. The game is the infamous Mako vehicle also got a fair share of the adjustments. BioWare says it has changed the handling to make the Mako feel “heavier” so he doesn’t have to move around as much. It also has a new set of boosters, separate from its jump jets, so you can go faster. In addition, it now has improved camera controls.

Mass effect Mako

BioWare / Engadget

There are also several changes to all three games. One is that the trilogy now features a unified character creator, so your commander Shepard will look consistent throughout their entire mission against the Reapers. BioWare has also integrated DLC weapons and armor so you earn it as you play through the story, instead of being unlocked once you start one of the games. We must note that one thing the remasters do not add is same-sex romance.

Finally, the studio reworked the “Galaxy at War” system Mass effect 3. It was the mechanic who played an important role in the end of the final match. Previously, you had to download a companion app and participate in multiplayer to get the best possible ending to the trilogy. Since none of the features make a leap to the remaster, BioWare has changed the system to take into account the actions you take in all three games instead. In short, the more content you complete, the greater the chance that you will get the ‘best’ end.


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BioWare plans to give more details next week about the visual improvements it has made to the trilogy. Meantime, IGN has uploaded an 11-minute preview of this on his YouTube channel. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition appears on May 14 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
