Biden official withdraws last-minute Trump LGBT memo

President Biden’s government on Friday recalled a memorandum issued by the former President TrumpDonald Trump McCarthy says he to rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said he did not agree with her accusations against Biden Biden. Trudeau agrees to meet next month. Trump plans to oust acting AGM to reverse Georgia election results: MORE reports‘s Department of Justice, which sought to limit the scope of an important decision in the Supreme Court on discrimination against the LGBTQ community in the workplace.

Greg Friel, the acting head of the Justice Department’s civil rights division, issued a memorandum on Friday recalling a mandate from the Trump administration in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling in June 2020 in Bostock teen Clayton County. The judges ruled in a 6-3 ruling that the country’s laws on gender discrimination in the workplace also apply to discrimination against LGBTQ individuals.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Trump administration’s 23-page memo, dated last Sunday, said the court’s ruling should not apply to areas where gender policies on bathrooms and sports teams are relevant. The memorandum also indicated that employers may cite religious beliefs as justification for discrimination against LGBTQ employees.

However, Friday’s move first reported by Politico, recalled the Trump administration’s memo, with Friel arguing that the directive violates a Wednesday executive order of Biden which the federal government has committed to preventing any form of discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation.

“I have determined that this memorandum is in many respects inconsistent with the EO,” Friel wrote to colleagues in the civil rights division, according to Politico, in his Friday assignment. “I plan to consult with the department’s leadership on the issuance of revised guidelines that are in line with the policy as set out in the EO. As part of the process, we will seek the input of experts from the department.

Biden’s executive order, one of several actions he took on his first day in office, calls on federal government agencies to review current policies against gender discrimination to ensure that it discriminates against members of the LGBTQ community. prohibit.

“Every person must be treated with respect and dignity and must be able to live without fear, regardless of who he is or whom he loves,” the order reads. “Adults need to be able to earn money and make a career, knowing that they will not be fired, demoted or abused because of who they go home with, or because the way they dress does not match sex-based stereotypes. ”

The order adds that ‘all persons under the law must receive equal treatment, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.’

Last Sunday’s memorandum from former acting assistant attorney general John Daukas, which was made public one day before Trump left office, sided with Justice. Samuel AlitoSamuel Alito LIVE INTRODUCTION COVERAGE: Biden signs executive orders; press secretary holds first briefing Barrett hears climate case against her father’s former employer, Shell Supreme Court, rejects pressure on Christian school for COVID-19disagreement in the Bostock case.

“We must hesitate to apply Bostock’s reasoning to different texts, which are adopted at different times, in different contexts,” Daukas wrote.

“Unlike racial discrimination, the Supreme Court has never ruled that the decision of a religious employer not to appoint homosexual or transgender persons is a deep and generally accepted view of elementary justice, or that the government is a ‘ compelling ‘interest in the eradication of such conduct. , ”Added the memo according to the Journal.
