The Biden’s train train show reflects on its decade-long journey to Washington from Delaware as EU senator.
El presidential election Joe Biden yes no tomara a exercise de Amtrak a Washington to help you jurisdiction next week, inform a person familiar with the plans.
But it was not clear who would take Biden to the inauguration.
Do you have any days, el equipment del elect president de United States todavía estaba planeando su train in train al event, report CBS News.
Pero the cambio repentino in the planes being produced during the FBI and the Secret Service informs Biden about the security precautions on Thursday at the Inauguration Day, the attack on the Capitol on the 6th of January.
A spokesman for the Biden inaugural committee commented on the change of plans.
The team is compromising with the current administration to obtain the mayor’s possible information about the image of the agency and about the preparations that are being implemented to defend and defend against interruptions or violent attacks “, declares the Biden transition team a communication.
President Biden’s elective team will receive information about the operational and security preparations to ensure that the transition goes smoothly, “he said.
The Biden’s train train in Habria reflected its decade-long journey to Washington from Delaware as United States Senator.
Biden appreciates hunting for his nearly millions of miles driven in train to the length of his political tray.
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