Biden and the Giro of Europe since the bases for a new intention of dialogue in Venezuela | International

Nicolás Maduro January 22, in Caracas.
Nicolás Maduro January 22, in Caracas.MANAURE QUINTERO / Reuters

Geen hooi negotiators not much less a definite calendar, but a new intention of dialogue in Venezuela is very much more than ayer. Joe Biden’s Legacy of the Casa Blanca Disappointed Four Years of Donald Trump’s Administration — A Triumph of Rhetoric Against Nicolás Maduro With Concrete Results — one contacts between the chavismo and the opposition. Any business in the South American country presents itself as an obstacle course. All recent processes are fracasado. Without embargo, with a Government that has more than one installed in the power and its hosted and divided adversaries, the only alternative to a solid pact, emphatically by one election, will perpetuate the grave emergence that suffers millions of Venezuelans.

The 27 member states of the EU have been rescued recently, this week, reconnaissance to Guaidó as interim president, a cargo that is assigned, with a large international support led by United States, a year before the deep crisis of Maduro’s legitimacy. January 5, the Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) regains control of the National Assembly through parliamentary elections in which competition is practically only, without competence. The opposition leader loses the status of the legislative power and is committed to the practice of the institutions.

Brussels is accepting politics as a privileged interlocutor in Venezuela, for Europe’s position, party to explore new conversations, shock with the plans of the antiquities sector that it encapsulates and converts the word dialogue into a taboo. The last time Guaidó was to negotiate, he was planning to travel, was released in 2019 during a promotional campaign by Norway in Barbados. This year, in the first instance of the coronavirus pandemic, chavismo and opposition, there are specific agreements on the management of the sanitary crisis, which demonstrate that everything is a political issue. Pero de ahí no pasó.

The European Union calls for an “inclusive dialogue and negotiation process”, although the High Representative for External Politics, Josep Borrell, spoke in an interview with Efe, which currently has no sign of an exploration phase. It was added that including Henrique Capriles, another opposition leader, also briefly separated from the strategy of Guaidó and Leopoldo López, who could be involved in a stage of permanent mobilization on the call. Capriles abrió including the puerta to participate in the parliamentary elections of December, although finally rewarded for failure to guarantee.

“Various of the communiqués of Gobiernos democrats and multilateral organizations insisting on the search for a pacifist political peace and negotiating that live the supremacy of the Venezuelans”, wrote the actions of the founder of the First Judicial Party in a tribunal. “The countries that support our democratic democracy in the course of negotiations, can only deal with all parties and insist on logging the new Poder Electoral that he denied to the Venezuelans as a Supreme Court, a fiscal and a controlling authority. a republican balance reconciled by all ”, vermaning.


The confusion between the parties is enormous. If the opposition has always had a serious problem of leadership in order to compete united in an electoral process, the chavismo has not shown itself to have concessions and has been able to convene some sectors of public opinion, both outside and outside its rivals are the criminals responsible for the crisis. This argument is based on the protests, the assassinations, the intentions to cover the Armed Forces and the economic sanctions of the United States. Nothing of the sort.

Biden’s victory, which took place on the 20th of January, has a new scenario, although at the moment there is no clear definition. The Democrat’s decision to revise the media adopted by Trump in front of Cuba marks a change of focus in regional politics. Following the analysis of various analysts, the new Administration will release sanctions against Maduro and Petroleum of Venezuela by seeking some contact with Caracas. But this change will be paulatino. For now, the only thing that is clear is that the Secretary of State of Biden, Antony Blinken, has located the Venezuelan crisis as a priority of foreign policy in Latin America.

Blinken spoke to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, Claudia Blum, about the situation and discussed the situation of the Chavista regime. “The Secretary and the Chancellor Blum are discussing their compromise with the restoration of democracy and economic stability in Venezuela,” said a spokesman for the State Department. The new United States diploma has also ratified “the importance of the efforts to satisfy the humanitarian needs of Venezuelan migrants in Colombia and throughout the region”. The pelota, in the last instance, is in the tejado of the Casa Blanca.
