Biden “adjusts” Saudi Arabia’s relationship with Netanyahu

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, plans to “readjust” relations with Saudi Arabia and will not communicate directly with the Hereditary Principle, Mohamed bin Salman; while his first name is Oriente Medio since he became power with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This is what the White House spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, said this morning, who also indicated that she tendren to pass “a few months” for Biden to receive in Washington some international leader, debit to the precautions related to the pandemic of covid-19.

“We are adjusting our relationship with Saudi Arabia”, said Psaki during his press conference.

Asked about Biden’s conversation by phone with the Saudi hereditary principle, Psaki replied that the new president plans to manage international relations with “his homologue” in each country.

“(In the case of Saudi Arabia), the president’s homologue is King Salman (bin Abdelaziz), and my expectation is that (Biden) will have a conversation with her at the moment,” the spokesman explained.

Eso supone a cambio noemenswaardige respect to the Administration of the President Donald Trump, which only converses with the principle of Saudi heredity, I was very close to his brother Jared Kushner, and not so much with the President of the State of the Netherlands.

“Arabia Saudi Arabia is in a position to defend the region’s facilities. It does not need critical defenses and will continue to work with them in this regard, but we will also clarify our views with prior views,” Psaki.

The relationship between the Governor of Biden and Riyadh has begun with great tension, and that the new president has detained support for the military operations of the coalition year against the Houthi rebels in Yemen, led by Saudi Arabia.

In addition, Biden withdrew from the Houthi rebels’ list of terrorist groups, including Trump’s inclusion of Iran’s allied insurgents during his last days in power.

Another country with which Trump stretched to maximize relations and sent a free air deal with Biden’s powerhouse in Israel, whose prime minister, Netanyahu, did not receive any of the new president’s phone calls.

Psaki took this March to calm the preoccupations that have been generated in Washington’s sectors by the fact that Biden did not call on the Israeli leader, even though Trump called those days able to talk to him about maintaining a remarkably free relationship with the world. President of the EE.UU., Barack Obama (2009-2017).

“His first name is a leader in the region with Prime Minister Netanyahu. He will be released soon”, aseguró Psaki, sin dar más detalles.

The report added that “by virtue of Israel being an ally” of the United States, it was practically impossible to find the only international social unit in Washington that Biden had not contacted.

Biden has dealt with Netanyahu for decades, first as a senator and lieutenant as vice president, in order to voluntarily reintegrate into the United States nuclear deal with Iran and to forge a more balanced relationship with the Palestinians promising to release some tensions. Israel.
