Astronomers have found an ancient galaxy with a halo of dark matter

Just some of the visible matter in Tucana.

Only of the visible matter in Tucana.
Image: ESA / Hubble and NASA (Fair use)

Some 163 000 lig-years from the Milky Way a much smaller, very ancient galaxy: Tucana II, so named for the tropical bird-like constellation in which it sits. Tucana II, located at the edge of the gravitational pull of our galaxy, offers scientists the opportunity to understand the composition of the earliest galactic structures in the universe.

Now a team of astronomers found evidence of an elongated dark matter-ray circle around the galaxy. Their research was published today in the journal Nature Astronomy.

“We know [dark matter] is there, because in order to keep galaxies bound, there must be more matter than we see visibly from starlight, ”said Anirudh Chiti, an astronomer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology., in a phone call. ‘This has led to the hypothesis that dark matter exists as an ingredient that holds galaxies together; without it, galaxies we know, or at least the things on their outskirts, would just fly apart. ”

The Tucana dwarf system, imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope.

The Tucana dwarf system, imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Image: Hubble (Fair use)

A dark matter halo is an area of ​​gravity bound matter in space. (The dark matter halo of the Milky Way extends much further the pinwheel which forms the visible good of our galaxy). The team found that the gravitational limits of Tucana II are between three and five times more massive than previously thought shows that even some of the oldest galaxies will have dark matter rays.

Tucana II happens to be the most chemically primitive galaxy we know today, which means that some of its stars have a very low metal content (the heavier elements of the universe were produced later in time). The team realized that Tucana II had the dark matter halo when observations of stars in that sky region revealed that the stars were moving together.

“If you just look at the sky where the galaxy exists, you do not really see a cluster or an excess of stars,” Chiti, who is lead author of the recent paper, said. “It is only when you look at their velocities and realize that it is a group of stars moving at the same velocity that you realize that there is a galaxy.

As co-author of the study, Anna Frebel, also an astronomer at MIT, put it in a university press release, the twist of Tucana II’s movement looks like ‘bathwater going down the drain.’ It is compelling that some of the stars of the galaxy are older than stars closer to the galactic center. The team assumes that Tucana II may be the result of a previous merger, a cosmic collision in which one primitive galaxy is consumed by another, resulting in stars of different origins in the same galaxy.

Whether or not the theory of the origin of Tucana II is true, a similar collision is certain in its future. Since it is within the gravitational field of the much more massive Milky Way, the relatively narrower galaxy will eventually be swallowed up by our own.

While astronomers know how to detect dark matter radiation, they still do not know exactly what dark matter is. In addition to finding radii around galaxies, researchers are also searching for the identity of dark matter. mysterious signals from neutron stars and in the form of small, theoretical black holes.
