As the gas alliance is tied to tensions in Turkey, Israel is pushing towards energy security

In an eastern Mediterranean region full of rivalry, muscle flexion and shifting alliances, Israel has recently made progress in achieving energy security and fostering ties with partners to create a physical link with Europe.

Israel used energy diplomacy to create a bloc to counter Turkish policy in the region, and last week signed an agreement to intensify a partnership with other countries, similarly trying to curb Ankara while they also navigate other regional games that could pull the new forum apart.

The Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum, or EMFG, which includes Israel, Egypt, Greece, Cyprus and the Palestinian Authority and is expanding, has become a de facto outgrowth of a regional division, which has seen Turkey and Qatar a pro-led Islamic faction, and Egypt that includes Saudi Arabia and the UAE in a pro-Western camp that increasingly includes Israel.

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Turkey, once a close security partner for Israel, has taken drastic steps in the opposite direction over the past decade under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has emerged as a leading critic of Israel and a supporter of the Hamas regime in Gaza. .

It was also embroiled in a bitter rivalry with Egypt that began almost a decade ago when Erdogan supported the Muslim Brotherhood after the group was ousted from Cairo.

In the Mediterranean, Egypt has aligned itself with Greece and Cyprus, a longtime rival that accuses Turkey of illegally drilling for natural gas in its exclusive economic areas.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R), his Greek counterpart Kyriakos Mitsotakis (C) and Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiadis shake hands in Athens on January 2, 2020, before signing an agreement for the EastMed pipeline project designed to extract gas from the Eastern area to send Mediterranean to Europe. (Aris Messins / AFP)

On March 8, Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz signed a memorandum of understanding with his Cypriot and Greek counterparts agreeing to lay the world’s longest submarine power cable, connecting their electricity grid and further strengthening their alliance.

Israel and Cyprus are not connected to the neighbors’ electricity networks, and despite the gas discovery, they are still largely dependent on fuel imports to lay off their power plants, making them vulnerable to supply reduction.

Michael Hariri, Israel’s former ambassador to Cyprus and a researcher at the Mitvim Institute, said the project is an important support for Israel in times of need.

In the long run, a link like this, from Israel to Cyprus and Cyprus to Greece, then to Europe, is extremely important for energy security. By the way, for Cyprus, which like us is an energy island, ”he said.

In this photo on October 15, 2017, a drilling rig is seen in the background from the port of Larnaca, on the eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus. (AP / Petros Karadjias)

Israel and Cyprus have also agreed on a framework to resolve a long-running dispute over the development of the Aphrodite-Yishai gas field. Most of the veld – the Aphrodite section – is in the exclusive economic zone of Cyprus, but the section known as Yishai, which is about 10% of the veld, lies in Israeli waters.

Hariri called the deal “complicated” given Turkey’s claim to the maritime border.

Turkey is demanding that its exclusive economic zone extend across the Mediterranean, thanks to a maritime border agreement with Libya that will essentially hamper Israel and Egypt’s access to Europe, possibly raising the EMFG’s plans.

A map with exclusive economic zones in the Mediterranean. Dotted lines are disputed. (screenshot:

A meeting later that day also highlighted the competing interests within the EMGF, when the PA blocked an attempt by the UAE to join the group.

The UAE and the Palestinian Authority have been at loggerheads for years and have moved even further apart in recent years after the Emirates signed a normalization agreement with Israel. The parties are also at odds with Mohammad Dahlan, a former Fatah strongman and a rival of President Mahmoud Abbas, who has been in exile in the United Arab Emirates since 2011.

According to an Israeli official, the member states encouraged the PA representative to recall some of the vote on whether to allow the United Arab Emirates to join as an observer state, and expected him to do so, but he surprised them by vetoing the bid.

All decisions of the EMGF must be ratified by consensus.

The drilling ship ‘Yavuz’ is looking for oil and gas from Cyprus in the port of Dilovasi, outside Istanbul, Turkey, on June 20, 2019. (BULENT KILIC / AFP)

France is likely to represent UAE interests in the EMGF. The two countries maintain close co-operation, including a high-level strategic dialogue. France holds a series of military bases in the UAE.

The EMGF approved France as a full member and the USA as an observer state.

A sea change for Turkey?

Steinitz made headlines last week when he mentioned during a press conference in Cyprus that Israel would be open to cooperating with Turkey on natural gas.

After years of aggressive policy and rhetoric from Ankara, Erdogan has recently projected a distinctly different tone. In the face of increasing isolation and economic challenges, Turkey has over the past few months shown a desire to turn a new page in its relations with Israel, the EU, Greece and Egypt.

An Israeli official tried to belittle the statement in an interview with The Times of Israel, saying that Steinitz was responding to a question, and that Jerusalem had always been open to cooperation with Turkey if it changed its opponent against Israel and its partners. .

‘There has always been a language in the EMGF and the trilateral agreements that says that it is not a closed club, and that we are prepared to be open to all like-minded countries on the assumption that they will act as like-minded countries. . What the Turks, as we all know, did not really do, ”explained Eran Lerman, vice president of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security.

“I do not think there is much behind the statement,” Harari agreed.

From right to left: In the front row, Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz, Greek Energy Minister Kostis Hatzidakis, and Cypriot Energy Minister Yiorgos Lakkotrypis sign the EastMed pipeline agreement in the Greek capital Athens on 2 January 2020 , while in the back row, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades watch it. (Haim Zach / GPO)

Ankara’s rulings will not be enough to get Israel and the EMGF to cooperate with Turkey on the Mediterranean energy inquiry. If Ankara continues to insist on the maintenance of a maritime border agreement in 2019 with Libya claiming economic rights over areas that Greece and Cyprus consider their exclusive economic zones, the forum will continue to regard Turkey as an adversary. Greece says the Turkey-Libya agreement does not take into account the island of Crete, while Turkey has already upset Cyprus by sending ships to search for oil and gas from the divided island.

‘The ultimate question is whether the Turks will be open to renegotiating the [exclusive economic zone] definition agreement it drafted with the Sarraj government in Libya, ”Lerman said, noting that Libya was moving towards a new government and the changing attitude of Ankara.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, center left, watches Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi, center right, arrive for a group photo during a conference on Libya at the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, January 19, 2020 ( AP Photo / Michael Sohn)

On March 10, the Libyan parliament approved a unity government as a step towards national elections in December. The North African country has been embroiled in a civil war since dictator Muammar Gaddafi was ousted in 2011.

Ankara will first have to change its approach to natural gas discovery in the eastern Mediterranean, Lerman said. “As long as they take the position that Cyprus and Egypt have no access to Europe without Turkish permission, we are not going anywhere.”

This result became more plausible with the election of Joe Biden as President of the United States. Biden and Erdogan have a history of personal grief, and many observers believe the new tone coming from Ankara is an attempt to protect Turkey from US pressure on human rights and its policies in the region.

“The current shift in Turkish foreign policy is due to the fact that there is new leadership in Washington,” said Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak, a Turkey scholar at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security. ‘Erdogan is trying to fix the fences with Joe Biden. To do this, he launched a new approach, not only with the United States, but also with the allies of the United States, which means Israel and the European Union. ‘

Israel’s focus in the EMGF appears to be to step up energy cooperation with Egypt, Turkey’s biggest regional competitor. In February, Steinitz and Egypt’s Energy Minister Tarek el-Molla agreed to build a gas pipeline from Israel’s eastern Mediterranean Leviathan field to Egypt’s liquid facilities, aimed at exporting to Europe. to promote.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Center and Minister of Energy, Yuval Steinitz, leaves to visit the Leviathan natural gas platform off the Israeli coast on January 31, 2019. (Amos Ben-Gershom / GPO)

Israel started pumping with the pump of Leviathan in December 2019 and exported to Egypt the following month. The field, which was discovered 130 kilometers west of the Mediterranean city of Haifa in 2010, contains an estimated 535 billion cubic meters (18.9 billion cubic feet) of natural gas, along with 34.1 million barrels of condensate.

The American Noble and the Delek of Israel, the consortium that led the development of the Leviathan and the smaller Tamar field, signed a $ 15 billion 10-year deal with Egypt’s Dolphinus last year for 64 billion cubic meters (2.26 trillion cubic feet).

The deal was announced when Molla visited Israel, where he also met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi, as well as Steinitz.

The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the center, the Egyptian Minister of Petroleum Tarek el-Molla left and the Israeli Minister of Energey, Yuval Steinitz, in Jerusalem on 21 February 2021. (Kobi Gideon / GPO)

The energy ministers and their teams met “to step up and expand energy cooperation,” Molla said in a video released by Steinitz’s office.

Lerman said Israel’s ultimate goal would probably be to keep Egypt out of Turkey’s sphere of influence.

“I think the direction is to bring in the Egyptians, they will have an interest of their own,” Lerman said, “and that will also give them resistance to Turkish decay, which it seems these days.”
