Another exacerbation of Andrew Cuomo’s allegations of sexual harassment against the New York governor

The Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo
The Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo

The Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, on the other hand, in the middle of accusations of accusations that a former executor denies that he has uncomfortable questions about his sexual life, which the Democrat has rejected, señala este sábado el New York Times.

The woman identified as Charlotte Bennett, executive assistant and health policy assessor until last November, who was insured for the period the governor has the question of whether he is monogamous and if he has any relations with the best men.

Also signal, during various interviews with the diary, that the supuesto acosio ocurri a fines of the primavera pasada, during the apogeo of the lucha against the coronavirus in the state.

According to the diary, Bennett, 25, assured that the most “inquisitive” loved one on June 5 when Cuomo presumably had many questions, including the thought that the edict marked a difference in romantic relationships.

Charlotte Bennett, governor of Andrew Cuomo's governor, who is accused of sexual harassment
Charlotte Bennett, governor of Andrew Cuomo’s governor, who is accused of sexual harassment

The governor’s exacerbator says that the Democrat, in his second term of four years, presumably the indication that he was open to relations with women for 20 years, which she interprets as clear propositions for a sexual relationship.

As the saying goes, it is felt only during the crisis of the pandemic, that “no one can break the ice” and that the evasive response that will break out on its feet.

También also confirmed that the governor had never acted as a tokarla.

Bennett indicated to Times row “I understand that the governor wanted me to be happy and I felt terribly uncomfortable and awkward and I was going to have to pay for it and assume that it was the end of my work”.

These are the following signings from Lindsey Boylan, a state-of-the-art economic development agency that said Cuomo had hired on various occasions between 2016 and 2018, at one point, gave a visit to the labs solicited in his Manhattan office, recuerda el Times.

How did Bennett respond immediately to a media message sent to the media outlining the allegations and allegations that he had been acting as a mentor.

“Bennett has never advanced to the intention of acting in an inappropriate manner.” indicates the governor, that Bennett was referred to as a “working and valiant member” of his staff and that he had “everything right to talk”.

Inform that I will carry out an external “and exhaustive” investigation of the accusations and trust of the newcomers who hope for the “antitrust juices” results.

(With EFE information)


New York scandal: Governor Andrew Cuomo’s exacerbation of sexual harassment and account of details
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