An inside information from the Capitol reveals that security forces’s security forces are attacking the 6th of January and the orders they are receiving

Extreme law group members
Members of the “Proud Boys” extremist gang during the Capitol attack (Reuters)

La Policía del Capitolio de Estados Unidos fue advertised “clear form” and anticipated the violence of the attackers of this institution the past 6 years, pero their mandates are directed at the officers who do not use against the protesters their “most aggressive” tactics for containers.

These are the conclusions of a new report on the attack on the Capitol of 104 pages prepared by the Inspector General, Michael A. Bolton, and that these miracles are public The New York Times.

In the document, which will be presented in the Capitol this year, criticizes the form in which the Capitol Police is preparing and responding to the violence of the protesters the 6th of January.

Bolton discovered that the persons in charge of the security of the institution are not adequately prepared to carry out the explicit advertisements that the pro-Trump extremists represent an arrangement for the forces of order and civilians and that the police use defective protection equipment.

The police policy is limited to using lacrimogenic gases, when the protesters have violated the perimeters (Reuters)
The police policy is limited to using lacrimogenic gases, when the protesters have violated the perimeters (Reuters)

I also discovered that the officials in charge of the Civil Disobedience Unit who abstain from using their most powerful control arms, like paralyzed grenades, to suppress the attack.

The informant offers the most devastating relation to the fact of the failures and errors of calculation in turn to the most violent attack that the Capitol has suffered in two sails, according to the New York diary.

Three days before the assedio, an intelligence of the Capitol Police advised about the violence of President Donald J. Trump’s partisans who create false allegations that robberies are rampant. Some of the violence, including habían, published a map of the Capitolio’s complex tunnel system in Trump’s favoring forums.

“The difference between the previous post-electoral protests, the goals of Trump’s partisans and not the counter-demonstrators like the previous one, is that the proposal Congress was the clear objective of the day 6”, Aseguraba the information about the detected facilities, according to the Inspector-General.

Dentro del edificio, los asaltantes pudieron circular circular son burgemeester resistencia en varias zonas (Reuters)
Dentro del edificio, los asaltantes pudieron circular circular son burgemeester resistencia en varias zonas (Reuters)

Pero un dia antes del asalto, la polis subscribed in its management plan of the protest that “We do not have specific conidia facilities related to the joint session of the Congress”, as lawmakers formally certify Biden’s victory over Trump.

For orders of superiors, the police would make impediments to use its most powerful tools and techniques for the control of large demonstrations, the internal information indicates. “Armed pesadas no letales”, como grenades aturdidoras, written by Bolton.

The protests led by the “Stop the Steal” movement (Detén el electoral robo) could attract white supremacists, members of the militia and other people who actively promote violence and the cause lead to a situation that is significantly more dangerous for the poor, agrega Bolton.

The inauguration of the Capitol in Washington caused the death of an institution and other civilian police officers.

(With EFE and AFP information)


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