Alimentos que combaten insomnio, según Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine – Salud

El insomnia is a trastorno del sueño that aqueja has many people in his day and day, affecting his habits and his life in general.

Agreed with the National Library of Medicine of the United States, may be caused by the estrés, emotional problems, frequent changes in the time of attendance, long distance journeys with change of times, among other things.

Well, one of the solutions that comes to mind is to fall asleep (a short place) son of the cams in the style of life, including the alimentation. Although is not a definite cure, some foods are you can help to improve the sueño, agreed with a published study, in 2016, in the ‘Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine’.

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For example, kom major fiber fibersa (which is located in the verduras, legumbres and nueces) can increase the time that the person permanently in the stage of sueño deep with our eyes.

By contrast, enter mayors cantidades de grasas saturadas (which is found in the mantle, the pastels, the gallows and the carnations processed) produce a sueño less repairer with more fast speeds.

The participants of the study, the author of which is the associate professor of nutritional medicine Marie-Pierre Saint-Onge, is dormant with more fast when eating common foods in saturated and high protein foods, the springs were propelled by a nutritionist.

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Foods such as salmon, oats and oats that contain omega-3 fatty acids increase serotonin production.

The time when the tomo quedarse dormidos when ingirieron los alimentos de su election fue de 29 minutes, while eating with the expert’s recommendations, tardaron 17.

In the same way, it can be determined that quienes consumían más azúcar, tardaban mucho en en conciliar el sueño and has the highest probability of being despaired during the night.

Hecho, agree with another investigation published by ‘The Lancet’ in this year, of 175,261 adolescents who took more than three gaseous on this day, the 50% presented the most probabilities of inform trastornos del sueño.

Another studio, published in 2017 in the magazine ‘Nutrients’, demonstrates that the melatonin – natural hormone that helps control the cycle of the sun – is found in the mushrooms, oats, cereals, soybeans, quinoa, semolina and fish.

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Experts recommend that, in order not to affect the sun, the coffee should be taken 6 hours before going to bed.

The concentration of melatonin in human superstructure can significantly increase the consumption of foods containing melatonina ”, indicates the investigation.

In the same way, the investigations revealed that food as salmon, oysters and other omega-3 fatty acids, increase the production of serotonin, which produces this melatonin and, therefore, can be produced in a much deeper state.

Finally, as is well known and has been concluded in various studies, the café can be judged by the cycling cycle, as recommended by experts will not consume 6 hours before going to bed.

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