Alberto del Río’s dumb ‘dice for sexual abuse allegations

Luego de que en mayo pasado fuera detenido en Texas, United States, presumably sexual aggression ‘n una mujer, el luchador mexicano, Alberto del Río, first of all, about the accusations against him, the time he has to deal with his situation and the affections for him and his family.

In an interview with the diary Record, el Patrón aseguró que es innocent y el por qué de su silencio durante meses, a pesar de los rumores en torno al caso.

“I’m ignorant, todo el tiempo lo he sido, I am in a situation where I have been wrongly and erroneously accused. Effectively, you were arrested on time, you were able to pay the loan. The only reason why I did not work was because I was advised that the best time was not to take anything to do in the case “.

“This is a contradiction with the greatest criminal of the todo el estado de Texas porque estamos hablando de mi libertad”.

El Hercules Potosino affirm that their situation in a case more than women which buscan approve the moment of lucha de las women for its right, security and well-being in different parts of the world, but employed to accuse and affect other people.

There are women who are abusive, who are using the value of other women for their benefit and to affect the life of some men and their families. Thankfully, there are many men and women who are ignorant of the termination of anything more than false accusations. “

His family has been living with him ever since, but he was also affected by the complicated situation. gladiator.

“I have a lot of hiccups this day, my family is happy with it. I have many difficulties with me and my family. I have a brand of pora pera pero lo that import is that haga justicia.

Last but not least, the ex-Champion of WWE, de AAA and winner of Royal Rumble y un Lucha Libre World Cup, adelantó who has proof of his innocence and more late will present before the justice.

“We can not judge another person based on the accusations of other persons that no evidence presents. At the moment I am going to show evidence, with evidence, all these accusations and there are things that make me feel completely false.
