Advocate for Trump campaign withdraws after saying election cases are used to commit crime

Attorney Jerome Marcus is asking to withdraw from a case in which the Trump campaign sued the Philadelphia County Electoral Council over where observers could stand for voting, as part of Trump’s early attempt to spread false allegations that the observers of the campaign has been blocked. from look at tel tel.

“The client insists on acting what the attorney considers repulsive and with which the attorney has a fundamental disagreement,” Marcus wrote to the court Thursday.

Criticism has led the U.S. Capitol Police leadership in response to violent riots, arresting 14 suspects and injuring 50 officers

In a statement to CNN, Marcus defended the case as “factually based,” but said Trump used the submission and other court cases to incite violence, referring specifically to the riots of Trump supporters at the Capitol on Wednesday.

“I am referring specifically to the request of people to come to Washington for a ‘wild’ protest,” Marcus said in his statement. “I want absolutely no part of it. That’s why I asked the court to allow me to withdraw as a lawyer.”

In the case in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the Trump campaign sued, claiming they were unfairly blocked from observing polling stations in Philadelphia. But the federal judge, Paul Diamond, who clearly tried his patience with the legal charge, confirmed that the GOP observers were allowed to watch.

When the judge pressured Trump campaign attorney Marcus if there were observers from the campaign in the room, Marcus said, “There are a non-zero number of people in the room.”
