Adrián Mora, presented by Rayados; has the miracle of power in Europe

Monterrey /

Adrián Mora ya se puso la playera de Rayon of Monterrey, sabe que llega a aporta experiencecia y no occult la emotion e buscar ser ein un referente albiazul y también aceptó que has the intention to emigrate al European football.

The zaguero accepts that Rayados the power of these reflectors to emigrate to Viejo Continente, although first thought to consolidate in his new team.

‘Si la verdad como yo lo veo team with many reflectors hacia Europa, pero como dije, vine a crecer y es parte de crecer, treat to read in europe”, Aseguró at the press conference.

Morning and training with the team of Javier Aguirre, and it’s a list for those who come.

If you do not want to be easy, pero a eso vine a competir y tratar de ganarme puesto, si no viniera a eso me hubiera quedado en Toluca”, Añadió.

The exjugator of Toluca there is no inequality of opportunity with them extranjerens defensas de Rayados.

‘Sí claro, my sense of the opportunity, the same professor says: “compete and treat the beast”, added. Dijo que aportará en el Rayados aerial game.

Tigers the bush, but there were more interests

Mora there is an albiazul suit accepted to be in Toluca fue polled by the Tigs, but not only the interest.

De Tigres ya lo había hablado antes and is interested in the team, always focused on Toluca always only the interest y en eso quedó ”, accepted.

You can print what the professor is looking for much intensity much entrance and sudar la player all that the aficionados buscan yo se los voy a dar “.
