A basketball card has its predilection

Querido Kobe:

Have a very long time, receive your card titled ‘Best Basketball’. En esas líneas, pude entenderlo todo. Knows your thoughts, your recent questions, your doubts as obligatory transit to the certezas. But also supe of your volunteer and your character to extend limits. To reformulate concepts, to understand that the only evolution that exists is the product of effort. Of tenacity and constancy. Supe del camino recorrido, envelope the meaningful part of an idea. Solo live the life with fullness that is enamored as you have it. Whilst being able to advance against torments without escudation, to abort the incoherence and entrench with body and arm to a disembarking passion.

Since he was only one of six years old, Lanzaba calcetines at the expense of his father, as long as he destined to be the one who finally escaped. Your proposal was my proposal. My entregaste tu espíritu, tu alma y tu cuerpo. It wono much and also lost. Many times the quiz launches the toalla, dejarlo todo and empezar de nuevo. Pero no lo hiciste. And it’s because I’m feeling sorry for myself. I demand help, I pay off, and I become an allegorist. All these days would be like a milestone: green would be a unique privilege. Store the product one centimeter higher to superior to the same. Abrazar a los que estaban a tu lado para que hagan un esfuerzo por alcanzarte. Evolution to always be first in the line. Obligar a que los rivales te persigan.

Fuiste talento, pero no solo eso: Kobe Bryant, tu fuiste el fuego. Mi fuego. It’s nace, crece, irradia pero nunca muere. Que no ten tiempo ni lugar. An intense, pure purse that sucks down on props and extras. Whoever touches whoever pushes on the lad, who is frustrated and whoever looks at him. It was not only the hiccup, but the hiccup. Dilated pupils, sagacidad de lince, rigid mandible and puño closed. All querian, but only you will find tenerlo.

A year has passed since your party. He saw a mare of a Michael, tu hermano mayor. He received a Shaq recordarte with a sadness that conmovió me. The fragility of existence has never been present as in these days of descent. But most of all, we can also despair: in a party that perishes, AD greets your name to the one who despises the fact that his offender is converted into a triple winner in the last second. Includes the LeBron property lucho as nadie by your legacy. Get involved in plenary to defend your essence, your message, to make the Lakers, your family, the team of all for one month. For the time circle to be complete and for the reasoning to take place.



A replica story of different exits that converts to one of the NBA’s historic players.

Kobe asked, déjame confess algo: honestly not creo that hayas forwarded by us. Yo sigo sintiéndote cerca, a mi lado, con los muslos tensos diciéndome que este party, nuestro party, aun se juega. What time is it in the clocks and that only the light that does not intend to leave it. What does not import the physical and the spirit is maintained in pie. If the alma mater, the llama will never be extinguished. You are alive, wanting to be married, in every way that empires and perseveres in the world, in every fanatical way that transports your camouflage to a degree, in every new thing that lies within, at least for a rate, that no one has left you.

Father, Who is Kobe Bryant? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

If you want to be honest, you have a great story to tell.

With love forever,

The Basketball.
