86% of evaluations of sexual harassment by Medicina Legal in 2020 have been reduced in age

By Tereza Espinoza

20/02/2021 – 08:55

The Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Medicine (Imelcf) is playing an important role in the investigation of cases of sexual abuse and abuse of children. Vera Varela, Deputy Director of Forensic Medicine said that only in the year 2020 80 mil 176 perits will be carried out, from the 2 mil 587 cases to possible sexual offenses and against minor offenses and 991 minor malpractice cases.

Varela explained that in cases involving minor oaths, the evaluation is more common for sexual and malicious abuse, in comparison with the assessments made to adults in which most of them are by personal injuries.

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“Comparing all the evaluations on sexual offenses committed in 2020, between adult and child population, that would happen 3 million 12 cases, 2 mil 587 fueron a menores de edad, which corresponds to al 86% de evaluaciones realizadas”, Indicó Varela.

The most provincial provinces carry out minorities’ editions Panamá, Panamá Oeste, Chiriquí, Veraguas, Bocas del Toro. “One of the five nines evaluated corresponding to the province of Panama, although one of five corresponds to the province of Chiriquí”, said.

The specialist demonstrates that the cases are pending, one or the other soliciting authority, or that the perpetual sale of the form, on the contrary, requires evidence that requires an analysis of criminal justice and a little more to sell the result of las pruebas.

Varela señaló que ‘n nivel nacional solo exist 87 peritos de la Subdirección de Medicina Forense related to the evaluations and victims of oaths.

Psychological Impact

El psychologist forense David Frías, dijo que el abuso sexual y maltrato en niosos genera dans psyquicos que pueden prolongarse hasta la adad adulta. The most frequent signals present in the minor are their emotional trajectories, self-esteem, stress, self-esteem and self-driving behavior, so it is important that the psychologist performs the minor intervention with professionalism to determine what traumatic event has occurred.

Frías manifests that the albergues have to be transit places where the nines receive the support from professionals, that the permit reintegrates into their family or the society, but lastly the nines are institutionalized in the albergue and so also have a mental impact.

“The most appropriate is that the albergues are places that burn in minor herraments to be able to reintegrate into their family, even though the herramines belong to the family. However, as far as we are concerned, there are a number of processes that take a long time to maintain before a prolonged time and are repercussions in minor psychology, ”he said.

A national level solo hay 25 psychologists forenses that year passed tuvieron that awaits 664 cases of sexual offense and 350 cases of malpractice to the minor, which represents a large claim.


Vera Varela signaled that for this year he had applied for 50 million dollars, for which the loan was 48 million dollars, for which he had received 1.5 million dollars, for the necessities of his multiples, only the contract of idiotic perits, it is necessary to modernize the infrastructure.

“The judicial morgue of Panama is obsolete, it is urgent to build and it is necessary to build a new judicial morgue consonant with current, consonant modern and accredited requisites. We are an institution that demands accreditation of processes, laboratories, sections and perits because of the need for recourse to justice, ”he said.

Varela finalizes that, although incidents occur during the investigation phase when these cases are under way, it also has a social work to present statistics, in order to be able to take public policies, increase security, education and performance of sea is involved in the prevention of the crime.
