7 things you know about coffee that are completely wrong, experts say

You are in the minority if you do not pour at least one cup of coffee every day. According to Statista, Americans consumed an average of 1.87 cups of joe per day by 2020!

Whether you grab coffee to taste, an energy boost or simply to warm up, coffee is so common in our society that many of us do not think twice about this caffeinated beverage. But what you may not realize is that many of the “truths” we know about coffee can be wrong. We have asked registered dietitians to weaken the seven most common coffee myths that people have been believing for years. Read on, and do not miss 7 healthiest foods you should eat now for more information on healthy eating habits.

iced coffee

Believe it or not, drink more coffee significantly reduce a person’s risk of developing diabetes.

“A person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes decreases by 7% per 1 cup of coffee per day,” says Roxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, Registered dietitian and nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “People at increased risk of developing diabetes should consider adding a cup of coffee to their day. The reduced coffee intake is associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Even caffeine without caffeine has the same diabetes. “

Be careful ordering a cup of coffee with added sugar, syrup and / or cream, as this will not make your cup of coffee as healthy.

“Instead, opt for black coffee, or coffee with a little low-fat milk or non-dairy milk,” says Ehsani.

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“Some people believe that instant coffee, due to the way it is processed, loses the natural beneficial compounds of coffee, but this is not true,” says Carissa Galloway, RDN, registered dietitian nutritionist and Premier Protein nutrition consultant. “Coffee is associated with an abundant amount of antioxidants, and although instant coffee may not have as high a concentration as baked coffee, those antioxidants are still present. Now I can not weigh the myth that instant coffee is not as delicious as brewed coffee. “the one depends on whoever drinks the coffee!”

Man barista makes coffee latte

“Yes, coffee is a mild diuretic … but because it is liquid, the diuretic effects are balanced by the amount of water it contains,” says Amy Shapiro MS, RD, CND, registered dietitian and Daily Harvest Nutrition Partner. “In a study published in PLOS Een, researchers looked at the blood and urine of participants who drank coffee or an equal amount of water over a period of three days and found no significant difference in hydration levels. ‘

Starbucks cup of coffee at a table with a notebook
KAL VISUALS / Unsplash

“Coffee is a performance enhancer, also known as an ergogenic tool. By adding caffeine before or during exercise, athletes can see an increase in physical and mental performance,” says Ehsani. “Athletes may also notice decreased pain and perception of fatigue during exercise, decreased perceived exertion, improved performance in endurance and in high-intensity exercises, and even increased ability to focus and concentrate.”

Before you decide to have a cup or two of coffee before a big game, race or event, you need to test it first.

“The rule of thumb is to consume 2-6 milligrams of caffeine per kg of body weight, so for a person weighing 150 pounds 1 to 3 cups of brewed coffee 1 hour before your activity,” says Ehsani. For experts, do not miss 14 best foods for better exercise results.

drink coffee

Most dietitians will tell you that a 300 calorie daily latte may not be the best habit if you want to lose weight or achieve other wellness goals, but that does not mean that all coffee drinks are off limits.

“Coffee in itself is very low in calories, about 1 calorie per cup of black coffee. So the problem is not the coffee, but what you put in it. TikTok has managed to make a nice coffee that supports your wellness goals with the #coffee tendency, ‘says Galloway.

FYI, “proffee” = protein + coffee.

“Skip the seasonal lattes with a high sugar over next time you visit your local coffee house, and ask for 2 shots of espresso on ice in a venti cup, then add a ready-to-drink protein shake to the ice and espresso. Now you should drink a delicious coffee ‘latte’ with satisfying proteins, instead of flavored syrup that will raise your blood sugar.The “proffi” trend is ideal as a morning wake-up or a boost in the afternoon, and is by dietitians approved, ‘. (Related: the wonderful health benefits of picking your coffee with protein powder.)

drink coffee

“Early research has been done on the elderly who showed signs of osteoporosis. However, they did not consume enough calcium. Coffee has been shown to lower calcium absorption, but 1-2 tablespoons of milk is enough to balance it. If your teen is a need a boost is my recommendation to make sure they avoid the sugar! ‘says Shapiro.


You may be surprised to learn that your cup of coffee is full of powerful nutrients.

“Coffee contains antioxidants, potassium, niacin and magnesium. Coffee is the largest source of antioxidants in Americans’ diets!” says Ehsani. “Drinking coffee is associated with lower risks for some cancers, reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes, reduced risk of metabolic diseases, lower risk of developing liver disease, lower risk of Parkinson’s disease, lower risk of depression and Alzheimer’s. ‘s disease. ” For more information on this energetic drink, according to the dietitians, you should not drink 8 amazing side effects of coffee.
