4 expertly approved bedtime snacks that can enhance sleep

In a perfect world, a filling, nutritious dinner will keep you satisfied throughout the night. Sometimes, though, this is not the case: you may feel a little sore before going to bed, and that’s A-OK! It is important to listen to the hunger pangs, rather than curling up in bed and counting down the hours after breakfast. As a clinical psychologist and certified sleep specialist Michael J. Breus, Ph.D., also known as’ The Sleep Doctor ‘, he shares on the mindbodygreen podcast:’ You do not want to go to bed full, but you also do not want to go hungry do not sleep. Consider it a matter for a modest relaxation.

However, not all snacks are created equal. Of course, there are those that can upset you and prevent you from achieving high quality sleep (ie sweet treats and junk food), while others contain only the nutrients you need to fall asleep deeper. This list collects the latter: Below are a handful of approved bedtime snacks for any urge at night.
