30% of migrants found on the front line in their incidents

(CNN) – Casi el 30% van die los immigrante en de frontera entre México en Estados Unidos el mes pasade habían intente cruzar previamente, segun el goberno de Joe Biden, en momentos en que las autoridades siguen depending on a decree de salud public that has allowed the eviction de miles de migrantes.

“Fluid levels are a challenge for the Frontier Patrol, but the high level of incidence means that we can consider these fluids as individuals. At least there are the same people who want to pass, “said one administration official.

LEE: The fathers of 445 minor migrants separated on the front lines in the Trump era have not yet joined, as a judicial clerk

Incident increase

The public health decree implemented by the Trump administration, which allows frontier authorities to return quickly to detained undocumented immigrants and the United States frontier, has contributed to the increase in incidents, such as migrants.

The Office of the Aduanas and the Protection of Frontiers of the United States (CBP, by its ships in English) detected more than 172,000 people intending to cross the frontier between EE.UU. and Mexico in March, which raises a 71% increase with respect to February, according to officials of the administration who inform the periodicists of these markets. This figure also includes those crossing the new front.

MIRA: This is the reality of the exploitation of the Latin American migrants’ nests.

While the majority of the people who meet on the front line are their adult adults, who are being held under the Public Health Decree, the CBP has obtained a record number of unaccompanied minor minors, with 18,890, in March, twice that in February. CNN informed information and did the detection of the marzo.

Officials of the federal government will support the fact that the Mayor of the detainees in the front will be expelled in March. Solitary adults and families are subject to the pandemic-related policy, although some families are admitted to EE.UU., as a result of limited capacity in Mexico.

Migrant minors unaccompanied

Without embargo, the number of minor migrants unaccompanied who lie on the frontier between Mexico and the United States is facing a challenge to the authorities, as only minor ones are not subject to public health decrees. “We are moving in the right direction, but we know we have a lot of work to do,” added the official. In the last few weeks, the Biden administration has announced at least 11 new sites to allocate to minors and translators running CBP superb installations, which have similar conditions to a cell.

New media

The Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees a refugee refugee for minor immigrants, has been working to accelerate the release of minorities from the custodian caste to a tutor, such as a father or family, in the United States, another official the administration.

LEE: Migrant families stand “self-separated” in Mexico after being expelled from the United States, according to the Frontier Patrol

“We have increased the release rate and we have insured to unite the minors with their tutors in the past, as well as to reduce the duration of the deadlines in terms of time and permanence in the installations to satisfy this need”

One of these steps includes the EE.UU Citizenship and Immigration Service Staff Manual. (USCIS, for its Seals in English), a dependent body of the Department of National Security, to collaborate with the case management offices of the Refugee Rehabilitation Office (ORR, for its Seals in English) of the Department of Health and Human Services. “These USCIS case histories were formed by the ORR’s camp specialists and have a very, very firm, knowledge process,” said the official, adding that the staff increase has helped the menopause with his tutors.
