$ 250,000 Call of Duty: Warzone Tournament deals with a bunch of fraud allegations

A team has been removed from the Twitch Rivals’ $ 250,000 Call of Duty: Warzone Doritos Bowl Championship after it was decided they had cheated.

Streamer Metzy_B has been accused by several other players of cheating, including 1. When Trewren watched Metzy_B’s game, he said that the other streamer must have used some kind of cheat to block other players because it seemed like his goal “accidentally” closed on the guy. ‘

After reviewing the track in question, along with others from his previous streams, Metzy_B and his team were removed by Twitch. On the broadcast, the reason for the ban was that the play of the tracks was ‘unnatural beyond all reasonable doubt’.

Metzy_B denied the allegations of fraud and maintained his innocence. After all the fuss of the accusations and removals subsided, Trewren came forward to apologize for his part in Metzy_B’s ban and said he actually made a mistake.

After receiving feedback from the community and returning to review Metzy_B’s computer files, the 100 Thieves streamer tweeted an apology. ‘Understand the hatred I receive, and deserve it. There just was not enough [go] by giving my opinion, from the things I saw, I believed that something was turned off, but there was just not enough to go so far as to say that he cheated. ‘

Trewren further says: ‘I apologize for that. I did not want to take it any further, but no one else seemed to, and he asked if I would talk to him so he could prove he was clean, which he did. . I will hold my hands up and admit that we were wrong. I’m sorry I let many of you down. ‘

Metzy_B has not yet responded to the apology, but Trewren told another member of the Warzone community that he would give his winnings from the tournament to the wrong defendants if he wanted it.

Although this particular case has been clarified, the Call of Duty scene is still plagued by fraud allegations and many players claim that the game is not effective enough. The popular streamer NICKMERCS even announced that he would be going to Warzone tournaments until the cheating problems were solved.

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