Zack Snyder’s Justice League leaked early on HBO Max


Justice League director Zack Snyder will plan HBO Max on March 18.

HBO max

Tom & Jerry or Zack Snyder’s Justice League? Thanks to an HBO Max error on Monday, some viewers who tried to watch the former instead got a glimpse of the upcoming superhero trailer. The movie is expected to be released in ten days … oops.

‘Someone’s fired … Tom and Jerry, it’s not …#SnyderCut, ”Tweeted Doug Bass, who was reportedly the first to notice the issue.

According to The Hollywood Reporter and others who reported the issue, the new live-action / CGI movie, Tom & Jerry, sent an error message and then started playing Zack Snyder’s Justice League. But when the movie was interrupted, it said Tom & Jerry were playing.

Bass manages to get through an hour before the film is cut. The good news for Justice League fans, according to Bass, is good the first hour.

“They figured it out and cut the feed, but I can say the first hour of the Snyder cut is the best DC movie I’ve ever seen,” Bass tweeted.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League hits HBO Max on March 18 (here are some ways to look at it). In 2017, the four-hour director of Justice League reportedly cost HBO Max $ 70 million in special effects, editing, a new score and more. Maybe the early release is a genius marketing move, simply a mistake or a way to get more people watching Tom & Jerry.

“Zack Snyder’s Justice League was temporarily available on HBO Max, and the error was addressed within minutes,” a HBO Max representative said.
