Yuri receives critical criticisms of Virgen María’s disgraced bail

The popular Mexican song Yuri, which is self-defining as “Christian”, received critical acclaim on social media for broadcasting a disgruntled video of the Virgin Mary, which was considered “humor” by Navidad.

In the video posted on the social network TikTok, Yuri appears disgraced from Santa Maria next to a man dressed as San José. Through an apparent bailout, the Mexican singer moves with steps similar to those of reggaeton for the sake of simulating an embarrassment.

The labels used for the video are “#mariayjose”, “#navidad”, “#humor”, “#chistoso” and “#alegre”.

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The video, which has an average of 300 miles of views, is quickly received by many critics of outraged Catholics for considering it a crime.


## mariayjose😂 ## navidad🎄🎀 ## jarocha ## parati ## humor ## chistoso ## alegre ## cuidatedelcoronavirus

Son original sonido – Yuri

“Every religion deserves respect”, writes a user of the social network, while others ask about Yuri: “Christian or hypocritical?”.

Another TikTok user says that “he is one of the people that I admire and respect as a person and artist, but with this I lost everything”.

Another person who expresses “a public discourse of this kind, who respects our fe and about everything to our mother Santísima who lives in his future in our Salvador”, thinks that a user says that “although there is no humor, she knows that it is lacking respect, but do it alone to pay attention “.

Interviewed by ACI Prensa, P. Hugo Valdemar, penitentiary canon of the Primacy of Mexico’s Archdiocese, dijo that is comprehensible the indignation among Catholic women, because “the maternal figure is trainable for everything to be human. For example, in Mexico the biggest offensive is the one that refers to the mother ”.

“The same thing happened to the Catholics, an offensive against Santísima Virgen in addition to being a serious blow to blasphemy victims in our deepest Christian sentiment,” he said.

The Mexican priestess, who for 15 years has been the director of the Communication of the Archdiocese of Mexico with the pastoral governor of Cardinal Norberto Rivera, explained that “the Catholic Church, from the beginning of Christianity, has great love and veneration” .

“She is the mother of Jesus, preserved of all mankind and pecked, the most perfect creation, which also is the mother of the Church because it is Jesus’ cross”, dijo.

“Love and veneration for it is immemorial and trainable for those who are disciples of Jesus through beauty. For we consider that one offensive to it is an offensive to Jesus and the baptized in Christ ”, indicated.

P. Valdemar signaled that “the offenses of blasphemy against the virtuous Virgin Mary are always Satan’s, which are a terrible odor for her”, by which Yuri “acted as Satan’s instrument, was heard from his odor sector to offend a the Mother of God and for offenders to the Catholics ”.

“It is impossible to come up with something out of the ordinary, because it is a Christian who can blaspheme and offer it to the Mother of Christ. A burla to her is a burla to Jesus, and is condescending and intolerable, ”he said.

For P. Valdemar, the bail paid by Yuri in TikTok “is a blasphemous and satanic act”.
