YSKL Journalist denounces acoso and calumnias for candidate for New Ideas | El Salvador News

The Salvador Periodicists’ Association condones the accusation and defamation of what has been the Radial Periodicist’s side for members and the candidate of New Ideas by the Santa Tecla Alcaldia

Manuel Pacheco, periodical broadcaster of the YSKL Radio Directorate, denounces acrimony and accusations on behalf of Santa Tecla’s candidate for New Ideas, Henry Flores, and other militant officials of officialism.

Pacheco relates that the sabbath, when reading to cover a proselytizing event, the new members of New Ideas Salieron to meet to make photographs with camera and cellular and begin to persevere, with the intention of making a real effort.

“I was very happy to cover the New Ideas event, in the city of Santa Tecla … The two young women immediately met me, paid me to meet me and start making photos and videos. They are not parabens of hacking photos, I feel sorry for them ”, said the periodical.

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After several minutes, related, they did not paraphrase the photographer and went to one of them and the foot that he did not hiccup photographs. The women will have a moment, but they will have to follow suit.

One hour later, the candidate of New Ideas in the Alcaldia of Santa Tecla, Henry Flores, who did not present the agreement of the militants of his party to the periodist, then another version of the hechos and hizo senalamientos serios contra Pacheco.

The periodical that, in the first place, Flores does not testify to the totality of “the acoustic” and the “aggression” with which the two women act in opposition to him and how he obstructs his periodic work. For example, Flores published on social media various photos of Pacheco and alleges that he was working for a party and that “amenazó” was a female of the official team.

The president of the El Salvador Periodicals Association (APES), Angélica Cárcamo, stated that the committee had taken issue with the periodist’s relationship, as far as its pre-occupation is concerned.

“We are concerned that a candidate from a political party should dedicate himself to a periodist, unless he proves that the candidate has accused both of his supporters; if there is no proof, it is defamation and constitutive of crime ”, warning.

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Mientras tanto, the candidate nominated by the party Tiestro Tiempo, Bertha María Deleón, denounced that “Henry Flores, candidate and alcalde by Nuevas Ideas, es, by definition, of the club of #LosMismosDeSiempre. Work at Presidential House in the goblins of @FMLNoficial. He is an opportunist without principles, joven sí, pero dañino ”.

The deputy Karla Hernández, from ARENA, published: “From the time we know conchco to Pacheco from @radioyskl. The toca covers @AsambleaSV and is super respectful. Publish your photos in this manner and with false accusations is grave. Ya dejen de acosar a la prensa. For my sake with this @CIDH ”.

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