YouTube Shorts Beta, TikTok’s Rival, Launches in America

YouTube has released its own beta version of TikTok’s short-form video format in the US. The program, called YouTube Shorts, is currently only available to a small group of US users. According to YouTube’s official blog, YouTube Shorts will be accessible to everyone in the coming weeks.

Using YouTube Shorts, users can make videos for up to 60 seconds. Similar to TikTok, the instruments included are ” a multi-segment camera to tie together multiple video clips, and the ability to record with music. ‘

YouTube Shorts revolves around music and will be strongly integrated with YouTube’s existing music programs. Snippets heard in YouTube Shorts allow users to link to the full song music video and the artist’s other information on YouTube. In the future, users can create Shorts from a music video and see other Shorts made from the same song.

YouTube has signed license agreements to use millions of songs from more than 250 labels and publishers. Many of them are major music labels and companies, such as Universal Music Group and Sony Music.

Instead of getting a standalone app, YouTube Shorts will be integrated into a row on YouTube’s homepage. YouTube will also test a Shorts tab on mobile devices, making it possible to watch Shorts with one tap.

The end goal is that YouTube Shorts users will be able to cut audio and make shorts from any existing YouTube video, provided the original creator did not choose to exclude their video from the service. YouTube Shorts’ current iteration will not allow ads or other monetization features, but the development team has confirmed that they will explore monetization options in the future.

YouTube Shorts was initially launched in India in the fall of 2020 and has achieved success. According to YouTube, the YouTube Shorts player has been viewed more than 6.5 billion times worldwide.

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