Young people promote unity and hope through a wall in Guaynabo

The provocation provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic obliges us to transform digital methodologies into our current reality. The virtual era is converted in the manner of communicators, interacting socially and rediscovering other facets that invite to work collectively.

At the very least, a group of young university students living in Guaynabo and San Juan will be taking care of their homes to transform the creation of a digital art into an in-depth mural depicting the union of a people in the traps of Esperanto.

The universities María Mercedes Arias, Daniel Torres en Grace Batista culminaron ayer a wall of 14 pieces of up to 100 pieces of wide in the carriage PR-8834 in the Barrio Camarones in Guaynabo which pretends to be inspiration and allegory to those who pass through the zone. The title of “Manos de esperanzas” by the artists transforms a sobriety that appears to have a point, in an explosion of color that embellishes the municipality. Work through four consecutive days in the work of art.

Distinctive forms of men who represent the child, the woman and the man who want to talk, abraze and unite, then see the wall that surpasses in a digital bocce that the three young people work from their houses with the idea of ​​editing another art that Mercedes Arias has been realized in the past.

Without embarrassment, to start working on a concept of different ways, the group would like to look for another space to create the new artistic work with the goal of creating a wave of optimism in society.

The artist and university student María Mercedes Arias. [email protected] (David Villafane / Staff)

With the help of the Guaynabo Municipality, which identifies the zone and supports it with painting materials, brooches and fabrics, the three young people together with other artists and volunteers, the zone is open to the unity of the people in the middle of each adversity.

“We would like to redesign a wall that we have time for. It is a collaborative and creative act that all powderers will bring to our design styles. The manner in which it is done is plagiarism which together means the union of society and separates also has a meaning. It’s ironic that the power to sell our homes is being traced to a digital medium that hicimus has been and our work has been an artistic expression ”, said Mercedes Arias, who previously worked a mural on the express Martínez Nadal and studied with and Guaynabo.

In this case, the painting has always been present in its life of temperament and even in the current periodical study at the University of Washington dedicated to the unfolding of art expression. It is because of this and that of the young Grace Batista, who studied illustration and united in the project in its first mural, the work was an escape from sentiments beyond the pandemic.

“It’s also been a type of escape ever since it happened in the last months. The idea of ​​making something productive at this time is important for us and our work from our established homes is very satisfying. Hemos tenido buenas vibras al poder hacer este trabajo todos juntos. For me it’s enough that the people live and provoke happiness ”, declares Mercedes Arias.

The University of Grace Batista painted the mural. [email protected] (David Villafane / Staff)

“Although this is my first wall, I always saw the art as a way of making happy the people without them. “Everything in the world that happens in this zone does not go down well enough to see what we are doing and it is a form of leaving a positive message when it is seen in the middle of a chaotic year,” said Batista.
