You will not believe what the WHO just said about the coronavirus pandemic – BGR

  • According to an official of the World Health Organization, the coronavirus will be more challenging in 2021 in 2020 due to new mutations.
  • While current vaccines must be effective against new mutations, recently discovered strains are becoming much more contagious than the original.
  • New mutations in the coronavirus have been found in the United Kingdom, Japan and South Africa.

The arrival of COVID-19 vaccines is likely to put an end to the global coronavirus pandemic in 2022, according to many health experts. Yet there will probably be millions of new infections and countless associated deaths before we can put the coronavirus behind us forever.

Especially with the arrival of mutated and more contagious strains of the virus, the World Health Organization (WHO) warns that combating COVID in 2021 may be more challenging than in 2020.

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“We are entering a second year of this, it could be even more difficult given the transmission dynamics and some of the problems we are seeing,” said Dr. Mike Ryan, WHO official, said recently during an online event.

‘Certainly in the northern hemisphere,’ Ryan added, ‘and especially in Europe and North America we’ve seen the perfect storm of the season: cold, people entering, increased social mixing and a combination of factors driving driven broadcast in many, many countries. ”

Unfortunately, Ryan’s prediction is already playing out before our eyes in the United States. Just like dr. Fauci and other health experts have warned January is well on its way to being the worst month of the entire pandemic.

The US is currently averaging about 250,000 new coronavirus infections per day, a record number five times higher than the infection rate in early October. It is worth noting that the increase is not just a function of more widespread testing, as we have seen a corresponding increase in coronavirus-related deaths during the same period. This past Tuesday, the U.S. reported 4,406 COVID deaths in a 24-hour period, a record number.

More generally, Ryan added earlier this week that the coronavirus pandemic should be a wake-up call for the global community, as future pandemics could be much more deadly.

“This pandemic was very severe, it spread very fast around the world and affected every corner of this planet,” Ryan said a few days ago. ‘But it’s not necessarily the big one. This virus is very contagious and kills people, it deprives so many people of loved ones. But the lethal mortality rate of this is quite low compared to other emerging diseases. This is a wake-up call. ‘

About how the vaccination is going in the USA, The New York Times’ vaccine tracker says the U.S. has received 30.6 million vaccine doses and that 11.1 million Americans have been vaccinated so far. Going forward, the Trump administration recently said it would send more vaccine doses to states that could administer it faster. States that cannot vaccinate their population quickly will in turn receive fewer doses.

As an excellent example of the ineffectiveness that continues to plague the COVID-19 vaccine explosion, Michigan has received approximately 831,000 doses, but only administered approximately 332,140 shots.

Yoni Heisler is a lifelong Mac user and Apple enthusiast and has been writing about Apple and the technology industry for over 6 years. His writing has appeared in Edible Apple, Network World, MacLife, Macworld UK and most recently in TUAW. If he does not write and analyze the latest events with Apple, he likes to catch Improv programs in Chicago, play football and cultivate new addiction to TV programs, the latest examples of which are The Walking Dead and Broad City .
