“You see the plum tree”

| 21/02/2021 – 12:05 pm (GMT-4)

Acaba to dispel a new controversy within the urban generation of the island. On this occasion, the protagonists of the new querella circulating in the social speeches are the Cuban regents Jorge Junior, Alexander Delgado y Yulien Oviedo.

Everything has a meme, it is not available, that the director and integrant of Zone People shared in the Instagram stories section of his profile. In the image appears the leader of Los 4 y Yulien Oviedo Characterized as alumni in a Cuba auditorium while referring to what is known as a dictatorship.

The meme / Instagram / Incomunista

How to hope, the post of El Monarca no ha hecho more than enfadar to Yulien Oviedo y Jorge Junior. This is the ultimate, not late to publicize his reaction to social media through one of his typical live videos that he posted on his Facebook account.

The director of Según released the Los 4 and su live, Yulien Oviedo called it “insulted” by telephone during the publication of Alexander Delgado, because he decided to take the initiative and sell first in defense of both. Despite the fact that during the transmission that all of his life was given “cuero” and that the “chucho” was not alive, the reguetonero was most molested and sacrificed by the gesture that the integrant of Zone People.

“I called Yulien Oviedo, who was not met with Nadie, insulted by a meme that was pusieron and that we were in a room. The meme me was trembling, because Yulien was molesto and he understood, because Alexander de Gente de Zona lo puso en sus historias. Ahora el payaso y corista que salga, sea quien sea, le voy a echar plomo. Porque si ustedes pensaron que uno tenía miedo, yo lo que no le voy a dar comida a nadie. La gente se olvida who is one and is going to have to put up with weight “, expressed Jorge Junior.

Sure enough, the urban singer has taken to cracking down on El Monarca, but he has not liked the idea of ​​exactly who shares the meme on his Instagram.

“I did not molestan the memes because I had rio, ahora, not present that they did not perform because the voy to echo plomo. ¿Oíste Alexander? “Ya abrí el juego Yulien Oviedo, así que espero la tuya”, dijo alentado a su companan a que le siguiese el juego.

In continuation, Jorge Junior mentions the last notices in which Alexander Delgado was involved during the fall of the century Patria y Vida in collaboration with the Cuban songs as well Yotuel Romero, Descemer Bueno, Maykel Osorbo y El Funky, el cual se convertido en todo un libertad para paros cubanos de dentro y fuera de Cuba.

“Now haciéndose los opositores sabrosos, haciéndose hora los superhéroes. Así mismo con el río revuelto te echo un plomazo para alla. “I allowed them to do three things. Quieren salir de un cancion hacerse los characteres, no se hagan más que les voy a echar plomo. A mi no me gustan los coristas”, declaró.

“Haciéndose los opositores y que si va a formar que se forme, pero del lado de alla. Nadie viene hasta aquí. Griten aqui que yo voy a gritar con ustedes para que vean coman amanecen en Bainoa sin carnet ni nada. No se hagan more malad compadre “, zanjó.

Dicho meme surgió a raíz de las ultimas declararingsos sober el goberno cubano que hicieron tanto Jorge Junior como Yulien Oviedo durante un interviste concedida al persona indoggeno des las sociales rede se hace llamar Un Martí Tó Durako.

Yulien Oviedo dijo durante su charla que no cree que en Cuba haya una dictadura, while the song of Los 4, for its part, ensures that no one knows the concept of dictatorship y “no sabría decir si in Cuba hay una” including tras recognize that “hay muchas cosas mal”.

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