You may need a third dose of the antifungal vaccine

third dose
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Albert Bourla, adviser to Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, said he would probably need a third dose of vaccine contraindication to covid-19. It will be within 12 months of receiving the second dose, before the complete immunization.

“It’s extremely important to override the group of people who can be susceptible to the virus,” Bourla told the CNBC television channel in his statements.

Protection against more contagious variants

The executive also indicated that its dose would be an important hermeneutic to lure against the variants of covid-19, which has demonstrated that its most contagious.

The moment has been discussed for some time now protegen the vacancies against the covid-19, given the short cut of this product.

Pfizer Vacation Effectiveness

Pfizer recently announced that its vaccine against covid-19 has more than 91% efficacy against the virus. In addition, it has more than 95% efficacy to avoid serious serious illnesses.

Indication that protection is maintained for at least six months after receiving the first dose.


Asimismo, the people who received the vaccine against the covid-19 of Moderna, whose composition is similar to that of Pfizer, themselves showing high levels of anticoagulation six months after the second dose. This is a study published in the scientific journal The New England Journal of Medicine the principles of my.

The study revealed by Pfizer shows that its vacancy seems to work in a similar way to the variant of the majority virus in Surafrica, one of the countries where the product is tested.

Third dose

Pfizer Pharmaceuticals announced on February 26 that it would study the possibility of injecting a third dose into the vaccinated people, in order to strengthen the protection against the more aggressive coronavirus variants.

Bourla insures that with this third dose it will be possible to increase the response of the anticoagulants between 10 and 20 weeks. Surprisingly, if the person is vaccinated annually against the flu, he or she will be harmed by covid-19 in order to be protected.

This new studio is run by two age groups, people between 65 and 85 years old and comprised between 18 and 55 years old. Serán elegidas of the group that participated in the first tests carried out by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer in cooperation with BioNTech.

Combined vacancies

The University of Oxford initiated a new clinical study to determine whether it could combine dose of vacancies and obtain an immunological response adequate with dose, Independent of the manufacturer.

The investigators are involved in the participation of the AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and the candidate of the Novavax stadium.

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