You can find the adentro in Cruz Azul, gente hara lo posible: Jémez

Mexico City /

Cruz Azul has not had a title since 1997 and has been around for a while, his affidavit was not contained in the trophy for the institution.

Currently, the team marching in the spring of Clausura 2021, liga seis triunfos, pero no por eso se acaban las critique.

Ante esto, el extimonel de la Máquina, Paco Jémez, he sent a recommendation to the current technician, Juan Reynoso, señalando aísle todo lo externo, puesto que hooi gente que le desea esté todo mal al interior de Team.

“I do not like the advice, but I would recommend that you know what you are doing is not important. There is a lot of people who have all the potential for the cruz Azul’s exterior to be bad, haga lo que hagas, siempre va a haber ese problemita “.

“The important thing is the front, the back can … but desde fuera se puede podrir lo de adentro“Jijmez said in an interview with ESPN, that he will record his experience with the cements in 2017.
