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(CNN) – The assessors on vacancies of the Food and Drug Administration of EE.UU. (FDA, by its seal in English) will meet these issues to discuss the possible emergence of a third vaccine against coronavirus in the country, manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, Janssen Biotech.

If the next step is taken in a process that could end with the launch of the new vaccine the principles of the next week. As soon as the vacancies are currently authorized, the assessors and federal agencies will meet during a week to treat the vacancies to the public if possible.

La FDA is a review of Johnson & Johnson

The FDA has considered the advanced dates of the Phase 3 clinical trials presented by Janssen and says that these are proven that the vaccine is safe and effective. The Committee for the Evaluation of Vacancies and Biological Products related to VRBPAC is composed of experts and vacancies and other medical professionals, representatives of the industry and the consumers who consider presentations by the FDA regarding their halls, as well as Janssen.

We will also review the latest notices from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding the spread of the virus, including the new preemptive variants, and regarding the vigilance of the CDC regarding any security issues in the evacuation door. / BioNTech and Modern.

The VRPBAC will vote on the fires over recommending the FDA’s Emergency Management Authorization (EUA), and the FDA will take this vote into consideration to decide whether to authorize the vaccine.

El domingo, a second group assessor interview. The Assessment Committee on CDC (ACIP) Immunization Practices will analyze the same data and discuss whether the persons should receive the vaccine and, if so, who and when. An ACIP vote will take place at 15:00 ET. Luego, the CDC toman considering the vote of the ACIP and the director of the CDC, which is currently the Dra. Rochelle Walensky, will decide if the vacancy has a good view of her agency.

When will the distribution of the vaccine begin?

After that, you can start the distribution. Casa Blanca has promised to start immediately, with 2 million doses delivered to the states and the rest directly to the pharmacies and health centers. The federal governor has said that it hopes to have up to 4 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine the first day. The company has promised to increase production to administer 20 million dose for the March finals and 100 million dose for the June finals.

Although the Pfizer and Modern vaccines require doses for a total efficacy, the Johnson & Johnson vaccines require only one dose, although the company is seeking a dose regimen to see if it works better.

The Johnson & Johnson data indicate that 66% of all global surveys have been vaccinated to prevent covid-19 transmission from reaching 28 days after immunization. Effective at 85% to prevent grafted disease. Nadie who received the covid-19 evacuation wall.
