You are more likely to get COVID after vaccination if you are older than this age

With a full quarter of Americans fully vaccinated from this week, there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel. But for some, the recent success of vaccine blasts has been overshadowed by reports of breakthrough cases, rare cases in which people get COVID, at least two weeks after complete vaccination. As of April 13, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has received reports of more than 5,800 such cases. They emailed Best Life that “no unexpected patterns have been identified in case of demographics or characteristics of the vaccine,” but that certain age groups have so far caught COVID after higher vaccination than others. Read on to find out if you have a higher risk demographic, and for more information on the vaccine, Pfizer has caused this reaction in half of the recipients, new study says.

A senior man sits on a couch wrapped in a blanket while touching his forehead and getting fever and suffering from COVID symptoms

While anyone can experience a breakthrough COVID infection, the CDC explains that 40 percent of the reported cases were patients aged 60 years or older. However, age is just one of the many factors that the health authority is currently monitoring as the data becomes available. They also ‘grouped by patient demographics, geographical location, time since vaccination, vaccination type or lot number and SARS-CoV-2 lineage’, they shared.

When analyzed by gender, they also found that ’65 percent of people who experience a breakthrough infection were female. ‘ However, several reports have established that women are vaccinated at higher prices than men. And sign up for our daily newsletter for more health news sent straight to your inbox.

Husband and wife, senior man lying in hospital bed due to coronavirus infection, and the female doctor giving medicine to a patient.

The CDC’s report on these 5800 breakthrough cases is the first formal recognition that the vaccines cannot completely prevent hospitalizations or death. The health authority believes that ‘it is known that seven percent of people with breakthrough infections were hospitalized and that 74 (one percent) died’.

“COVID-19 vaccines are effective and are a critical tool in controlling the pandemic. All available vaccines have been shown to be effective in preventing serious illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths,” the CDC said in an email. said. However, due to these rare cases of breakthrough cases, the health authority still recommends taking continued precautions. These include wearing a mask, social distance, avoiding spaces that are poorly ventilated and regular hand washing. And for more information on the CDC vaccine, the CDC says that these three side effects mean your vaccine works.

Nurse gives senior adult healthcare worker the Covid-19 vaccine

In the light of the CDC’s report, White House adviser COVID Anthony Fauci, Managing Director, pointed out in a press release of 12 April that breakthrough cases are a common phenomenon in different types of vaccines. “We see it with all vaccines in clinical trials. And in the real world, no vaccine is 100 percent effective or effective, which means you will always see breakthrough infections, regardless of the effectiveness of your vaccine,” he explained.

In other words, it may be unideal, but it is not a design flaw of the COVID vaccine. The polio, measles and smallpox vaccines have all suffered the same setbacks – and most people still consider them non-negotiable.

A female health worker fills a syringe with COVID-19 vaccine

If it all seems a little scary – then who would not want to throw away their mask collection? – the good news is that breakthrough cases should decrease significantly as overall vaccination rates rise.

“As long as the virus is not circulating and there is a high enough vaccine immunity in the community, the risk is minimal, but if there is continuous transmission at high levels, it is still possible to become infected,” Jill Weatherhead, Managing director, assistant professor of infectious diseases for adults and children at Baylor College of Medicine, told NPR. “The risk is therefore still there and as more people are vaccinated and the spread of the community decreases, the risk of breakthrough infections decreases significantly,” she said. And for more information on what to expect from the vaccine, be prepared for it the night you get your COVID vaccine, doctors warn.
