However, it is well known that the most important television stations in our country are constantly on the move and negotiating with their talents, sea actors and conductors, regarding their state of affairs.
Hoy nos enteramos, de muy buena fuente, que Image Television establish a firm’s nada an important contract with Yordi Rosado, in order to keep the title of the program ‘Pisa y Corre’, which is currently produced by Nacho Lozano, which will close the next Friday, February 12th.
The producer Andrés Tovar vestig my emotionado by this important contraatacion, pues sabían que Yordi has an excellent job with a project that little by little has been converted into one of the channel’s most important, but degradingly is not pudo ser posible.

And it’s like dicho dicho, ‘del plato a la boca se cae la sopa’ y eso fue justamente lo que paso con el dirigent, pues al confirmmarle esta informa a Television, company for what has been working for more than 20 years, the executives are moving immediately to obstruct which also locator abandonara a la televisora.
Le ofrecieron be one of the program leaders ‘Miembros al Aire’, y other projects donde sera él el dirigenthoof, esto tras anunciarse la final salida de Mauricio Mancera y Eduardo Santamarina.
Dicha situation tampoco fue del agrado de Television y decided to call to conduct this program of Unicable, logrando sameroeper ‘n sus talents de no dejar la empresa.