Yomil teaches together with Daniela Reyes the best theme for perrear

| 07/03/2021 – 11:08 (GMT-4)

El reguetonero cubano Yomil Hidalgo shared a fun video that teaches its followers what is the best theme to watch. The demonstration of the baile hizo with his favorite fanatic, his new Daniela Reyes.

The brief video transmits the complicity of the couple and it is good that the time passes. “This theme is perfect for giving you the best with the jevita”, says Yomil in his profile on the social red Instagram.

The song that suena in the video is I’m not here, the second album included in the new album that the regetonero is about to train, Perreo 2030.

It’s part of the first disco in solitaire that Yomil launches through death of his friend and music partner, El Dany. Followers of the urban genre in Cuba ensure that all the ingredients are available for a great deal of success.

The video clip of I’m not here se estrenó este viernes en YouTube. In his invoice it is appreciated that Yomil pondered the rhythms of the classical regu- tation, as he did with the first sentence, Tembleque.

The video in which Yomil and his novice, actress, youtuber and influencer Daniela Reyes, bailan I’m not here should be the curious formulation of seduction that works in this couple. Reyes invites you to his novel with beauty, intelligence, charisma, sensuality and solstice with the frames in the bailar.

The couple compares frequently with their followers in social media videos in which they can enjoy the rhythm of the most recent themes of the Cuban regetone.

Just shared a week Reyes shared his other Instagram account very sensual video by his ‘perreo’. Baila to the rhythm of Tembleque.

The song reacts to the news of his novel with emoticons of fugue and a message with short letters: “Mi pieza, mi cara perreando”, le dijo y puso varias caritas sugerentes.

Sacred artists share their romanticism with his most comical lad, desenfadado y divertido para agrado de quienes stán pendientes de sus andansas las las redes sociales.

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