Yomil estrena su primer videoclip protagonizado por Daniela Reyes

| 18/04/2021 – 10:30 (GMT-4)

La agrupación Yomil and El Dany sigue de estreno. This time, the reguetonero Yomil Hidalgo aposto por su novia Daniela Reyes and its beloved history of love, for darling vida al explosivo y sensuele videoklip de Cuéntale.

In the purest style of telenovela, Yomil interprets a cavalier as a worker in a finch of rickshaws. He and his patron (Daniela Reyes) maintain a secret relationship and meet with the estates in the establishments.

The video, directed by director José Rojas, has sensual scenes between the couple, one of the most popular at the moment in Cuban farandula.

Cuéntale belongs to the next album of Yomil and El Dany, which will be released by name Perreo 2030. Tembleque y I’m not here fueron los primeros sencillos del disco en ver la luz, y ya estan entre los écitos de la música urbana en la isla.

Off Perreo 2030, Yomil is inspired by new musical elements inspired by the classical reggaeton. In the video clips that he has been training at the moment, he has performed exclusively in the music scene and has been involved with the actuation; is the ultimate companion of his wife Daniela Reyes, youtuber and actress.

The song from the exit album The Champions after a while after the death of El Dany, Perreo 2030 will be the first disco of Yomil completely in solitary confinement since the death of his friend and musical partner, in July 2020.

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