Yolanda Andrade shared the upset with Verónica Castro ¡Los mejores!

As we have been informed in advance in La Verdad News, since some months ago he was known to have a very romantic relationship between Yolanda Andrade and Verónica Castro, quienes incluso estuvieron casadas, o al menos eso lo lo dijo la conductora de Unicable.

Although the mother of Cristian Castro has denied the allegation, “Joe” has been a firefighter in the dicho, and now he has said that the best ones he has received are on the part of the actress of The Flower House.

The previous one was the confession to Shanik Berman, in the recent broadcast of the Montse and Joe program, was the periodicist watching the question that ¿Who of the two best besa? si la madre o el hijo.

The sinister response of Yolanda Andrade

Shanik is the one who has the most likes, if he likes it Cristian oa Veronica, that without hesitation, the conductor of the Unicable response program that to the mother, for that all in the photo is absolutely surprised.

“For what I ask”, recited the ex-wife of Veronica Castro.

Vale la pena resaltar que Yolanda Andrade no es la unica mujer que supuestamente estuvo con la actress de Televisa, pues también se dio a conocer que esta famosa tuvo un supuesto romance con Ana Gabriel, who presumably wrote to the mother of Cristian Castro, the song “Simply Friends”, which precisely tells the story of a forbidden romance.

Habrá que esperar a ver si la también ex conductora manifeste con respecto a lo dicho por Yolanda Andrade, without embarrassment, it is well known that fame usually ignores this type of accusation.

The recommendation: Revelan que Yolanda Andrade y Verónica Castro, le rezaron al “santo del narco”

¿Crees que Verónica Castro si haya tenido un romance con Yolanda Andrade?, ¿Crees que la actriz bese mejor que su hijo Cristian? spectacle.

What hope does Joe Biden have as the new President of the United States? Gypsy and Google News and information.
