‘Yo me quiero morir. Yo me voy a colgar con mi suéter ‘


“It’s clear to you that everything you want to hear is in all my statements, since the homeowner has been the last contact you had with the Criminal Investigation Technical Agency“, Dijo la noche de este jueves el doctor Edgar José Velásquez Orellana al programa Conclusions of CNN. Velásquez is the key clause in the case of Keyla Martínez, joven que faleció por mechanical asphix según el Public Ministry.

“On Saturday, February 6, the nightmare was interrupted by police patrols. They make me the sign of the couple. Hago case. My solicitan my documents. I received my medical notebook and my driver’s license and the documents I was driving ”.

According to the revision of the papers, agreed with the medical relationship, the questioner should know that institute in which of queda. “Contest that is and that for what I have for my house. I have a load for my refirió unas palabras que en realidad yo no le hice caso. No le puse attention. I was asked to do it alone. We immediately get the order that we are paying for the car ”.

According to the doctor, while the car is being repaired, the agents open the four doors of the car and also the car. ‘Yo les pregunté de que por qué me abrían mi carro. No llevo nada. Geen estoy haciendo nada nie. Que por qué hacían eso. The official dio la orden de que me colocaran las esposas. And so I was molested by a poke because I was treated in a manner that no one would ever have experience of that type. They advertise that for what hacían eso. I’m not a criminal ”.

“He tells me what I created, what he was to make this type of comment. Dio la orden de que me subieran junto j Keyo a paila de la patrolla policial, y dio la orden de que un oficial se llevara mi automóvil para la post”.

‘Eran como las once y media. Sólo a mí me esposaron. Todavía les decía, somos uniformados. We need to take care. Ustedes me cuidan afuera. The day that I went to a hospital I was going to see. No need to make this type of thing. We are not waiting for anyone to treat me this way ”.

“I remember that I was told that I was pregnant, they told me that if I had any problems with him, I would not say, but that those who were with me had to suffer from hematomas in the man who gave them to me.”

“Keyla, while driving the truck on the side of the trolley tranquilizarme, she tells me, Edgar, doctor, tranquilize, do not discuss with them, they are molesting. Listen to me. She treats me calmly during the whole course that we go to the police post”.

Once the police post has been entered, the doctor will take care of a person to appoint his or her personal data. “We have three people at the moment. In Keyla, there were police females who took the data, and I had the male officers. I would like to explain that at no time do I need to put on my mascara when I take the vehicle and tamper with the spaces. In the data box I have my personal belongings ”.

Despatches agree that the agents saccharon and hicieron identify his car. And he added that he insisted that he was not hiccuping, that he was not a criminal. “I wish the university would pass for you and not you for the university. At the moment firmar las fichas fue cando me quitaron las esposas. Take the data to Keyla, the police women will be there for you ”.

Luego lo llevaron a él. The animals are contiguous. In the first place Keyla. “She stands parade, subject of the bars, she stands alone, she stands llorando. And it was said that she had nothing to do with it. What the estaban is holding. Que la sacaran. Luego a mí me meten a la celda”.

The galeno excuse that in the celda que lo metieron había diez personas. “Before entering the celda congratulations on three occasions that I would like to have a party. Despair of llenarme mis datos me leyeron mis derechos. One of them decides that tenia have a paralysis. I’m looking for help and I’m sorry. ”

“I already have this type of experience. One to enter the celda do not know what to look for. The people who came to know us in this tragic night eran humildes, trabajadoras. People who come salvaged from their jobs after the news, and who were taken to the city by being on duty at the time of this ”.

Edgar Velásquez asever is near the places of both podiums listen, but no verse. And it’s the animaba diciéndole that it’s in the mahana estarían afuera and that the sucedido is just an anecdote to reirse with the friends, pero that she lloraba, and that the demas that estaban with el in the celda intentionaban darle ánimos.

Añade que trascurridos unos 25 minute lo sacaron de la celda and the tomaron a photograph. I was there for a while celda and fue when Keyla pidió ir al baño y fue llevada por una mujer policía. “Ella lloraba y pedía que la sacaran”.

‘Yo le solicité me me cantara, ella cantaba muy bien. Estuvimos treat calmarla y de hablar. Repent ella dijo yo me quiero morir. Yo me voy a colgar con mi suéter. Yo le dije no diga eso. Las palabras tienen poder. Vamos a salir de acá, tranquila. No diga esas cosas. Like the thirty-five minutes we had so we had to contest. Luego comenzamos’ n gritar. Approximately ten minutes later I read a policy with a lantern and illuminated the celda of Keyla and was quickly approached and trawled to four people. Abrieron la celda de Keyla y la sacaron a peso, una persona en cada extremidad. Keyla iba unconsciente. I resolved that I would like to take the vital signs, that I was a doctor, that I should revise, hicieron case omiso, do not listen to me and be fueron ”.

“Someone regressed and took a photo and turned it on. I thought Keyla was being taken to a hospital and staying in a better place than ours. I never imagined any tragedy. In the case of the lieutenant colonel, the sub-commander in charge of the police post and I asked who was the doctor, I identified myself and I asked if I had the identity card, I answered that if I did, I wanted to make a statement. Because of that, I’m dying for my friend to die. I can not explain what is happening at the moment ”.

Edgar Velásquez concluding that the site of the mañana the saccharine of the celda y le dijeron que ya quedaba en libertad. Posteriormente pidió unla llamada y habló con su padre para que lo fuera a recoger. A short video in which the doctor and Keyla were detained went viral during the last hours.

“Those responsible should go to prison”: irma lópez, legal aid

The legal affidavits of the family of Keyla Martínez piden que se hagan bien las investigations para que los culpables sean encarcelados.

Irma López, the legal guardian of the Rodríguez family, stated that “in the hands of the police, he was granted life, when he was living in the hospital’s emergency room, he had no vital signs, he had golf balls in his body, había matado ”. López said that he had heard of the success that the family members had to go to the police post to ask Keyla’s personal belongings, but the seat was guarded with a large amount of uniforms.

“La Fiscalía del Public Ministry of Turno, at the moment the opportunity is not preserved the scene of the crime that in this case was the police post, the fiscal tenia that act from that the doctors the condition in which the corpse is, ”signaled the legal defender.

The abbot demonstrated that thanks to God and the presidency of the people of Intibuca, the Public Ministry fiscal training with high experience in human rights violations.

“We have read the latest elements of the investigation, these policies are required and if we have to deal with all the issues that we have to deal with, we need to practice scientific tests, an extensive investigation, not corrected by a tax requirement.” part of the juzgados, we want a car for formal proceedings ”.

López assures that he will hold those responsible for the sentence, not guilty at all of the National Police, for the fact that he can individualize the case.

Norma Rodríguez, mother of Keyla Martínez, however, his wife provided health services to many families of the people.

“It respects the authorities and it is inconceivable that the death toll in the hands of women should be protected, but its death should not be avoided, we should help international organizations and Human Rights, the death of mi hija tiene que sentar un precedente ”.
