‘Yo maté a mi mamá: Xuxa


A silent message from the popular kantante and Brazilian presenter Xuxa, icon of entertainment in the decade of the 90s, causes controversy in social speeches.

The interpretation of excitos as “Ilariê“is pronounced in its social speeches about the critical situation that is affecting Brazil over the coronavirus pandemic.

Yo maté a mi mamá“, are the impactful words that are told in a story that relates to a first person during a video on Instagram. Luego confirms that it was a fictional story. His intention with this video, dice, is to leave a message.

Impact related

Xuxa posted the video on her Instagram account and related: “The other day she was at the beach and I met her friends, also she was bailing. Luego regressed to my house and alli met my mom. La abracé y la besé. Se pegó el covid. Yo maté a mi mamá “.

Luego Xuxa explain that this story is not worth it and that it is not really the sucedió. Dice that his intention was to record in the cities that situations like this occur diary of the lack of conscience of some people to maintain the standards of biosecurity and physical distance in Brazil and other parts of the globe.

“We are at the moment of the COVID-19 pandemic. The hospitals are empty. There are no more doctors. There is no way they have more beds. The diner is not a solution”, shared the Brazilian woman, making a called to conscience.
