“Yo le di de comer”: Deontay Wilder is being trained by Mark Breland

Deontay Wilder make sure they are trained by their assistant coach, Mark Breland, who in a war of accusations between both, dijo que la carrera de Wilder it is finished.

“This man has been living for a long time. Yo le di de comer ”, dijo Wilder about Breland in an interview for 78 Sports TV. “Including when many people say they do not serve me. Many people want him to despise, but I want him to agree. And now listen to what you have to say, that is the place. (Breland) debía haberse ido hace mucho tiempo, pero por el cariño que le tenía, seguí dándole empleo ”.

Mark Breland launched the toalla in the seventh round of the rematch of February 22, 2020 between Wilder y Tyson Fury in order for the detainee to be removed from the stadium by the court of appeal. This provoked the year of Wilder, who knows that habida pedido explicitly to his team that bajo no circunstancia le pararan una pelea. Posteriormente, Wilder spread to Breland and the accusation of being part of a conspiracy to lose Anger. Including, the accusation of having been able to sleep in the water that baby in the esquina is noche.

Breland responding by Wilder de mentir. Dijo que la carrera de Deontay it is finished. And the only one who has in his box is a pegada. Who does not like to train. You are welcome, según Wilder, hacen se se sienta traicionado.

‘One with all the medical problems that Breland he lives, he mantuve conmigo ”, agrega Wilder. “As it is my traction and I mean everything, I leave a little for the simple hecho of the search that he mantuve to my family. I’m made sure he’s got some deep feelings for me. Can understand why. He knows the type of person who is soy. That is always true of the demas. I was very upset with him in order to feel his form against me ”.

Deontay Wilder aggregate that in veces the only can be at home.

“A veces no es el enemigo”, dijo Wilder. ” Veces son los hijos de puta que están ahí siempre. Dejen que haga lo que está haciendo. is a cobarde ”.
