Yalitza Aparicio deja ver los rincones de su casa y da una mestra de class y estilo

Yalitza Aparicio gan su fama al ser la protagonista de la pelcula “Roma”, luego del xito del filme de Alfonso Cuarn, la vida de la joven actri se volvi muy meditica, por lo que cada da gana ms seguidores quienes quieren saber todo de su vida, como en dnde vive, y cmo es su house, algo de lo que ha showrado detales en su fotografas donde se puede ver su class and style.

The life of Appearance has given a world of 180 degrees, then to be a master and teach him nios, now he looks like one of the mexican ms exits, who at 27 he has won the reconciliation at his last step, at the international level.

Yalitza Aparicio deja ver los rincones de su casa

Travs of his publications in social media Yalitza have died some rincones de su casa. Ya sea on Instagram, oa travs de su canal de Youtube, la joven ha dado pistis de como vive, permitto observa a sus seguidores su stylil y gusto por la decoracin.

The actress has been dying for some aspects of her life style. Photo: Special

Recipient, Appearance allow you to see what you want to see in a video on Youtube, explaining the problem in the field where you have time. The windows can be equipped with a living room with gray and dark furniture in the master bedroom and bathroom where you can display your treasures.

Yalitza compares aspects of his life and reasons. Photo: Special

On the other hand, while traveling to prepare and prepare their meals, the actress shared with her 2.2 million followers a photo in which she was sent in a watercolor green chair, with a front window with a very original display . The parades in a clear tone and that which is alcanza to see the bed and show of the class with which Aparicio has decorated his hogar.

Tambin also shared a photo at a time when it was loaded on a terrestrial carpet tapestry in a wine that was doubtless sophisticated and elegant, even though the actress, who was looking at it, was wearing a yellow amarillo of stamped flower.

Aparicio se sabe lucir desde su hogar. Photo: Special

